Geography of Babikiye

"Only through studying the natural world around and beyond us can we ever truly hope to understand ourselves. This holds true whether we are studying the migratory pattern of ducks, the depths of the ocean, or the universe beyond our skies. The Babikiye Research Center is dedicated to the facilitation and dissemination of such research towards the goal of expanding our collective knowledge of the universe and of our places within it."
-Babikiye Research Center's Purpose Statement
  Presented here is a brief primer on the wider universe as it is currently known, beginning with the inhabited planets and working its way up on an astronomic scale.  

The Planet of Aravu

Green Canyon by Midjourney
Aravu is the youngest and smallest of the two inhabited planets, yet is home to the oldest known civilization. The Yashelin, an ancient avian species created consciously by the Ida, dominate the Kotuye Continent. The Fashozim, or Fas for short, are ghostly beings which largely live in the shadows of the Yashelin in a small parcel of land reserved for them on the same continent.   Neither Yashelin nor Fas has ever ventured beyond the shores of Kotuye, seeing little point in traversing the rough seas or risking the stormy skies that frequently and suddenly hover between them and their nearest continental neighbor. Nevertheless, they are aware that they are on a much larger world, especially after recent satellite images of Aravu were taken via borrowed Kivrian technology. Aravu is home to five continents and five oceans, all of which are unnamed except for Kotuye and the Vanora Ocean. It is orbited by a moon, named Hesha by the Yashelin, which emits an eerie purple glow at night.   An Aravun day lasts 25 hours, while a year takes 500 days. While the climate of Aravu varies according to one's location on the map, central Kotuye experiences five seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, and Frost.  

Further Reading

The Planet of Kivria

Bes by Midjourney
Kivria is the largest and oldest of the two inhabited planets. Their sophonts are young, compared to the ancient Yashelin, and their civilizations and cultures are ever changing. The people are mortal, and as such the planet is passed down from generation to generation. Without the aid of Vimstones which permeates Aravu and is virtually nonexistent on Kivria, this planet has evolved technologically in a more traditionally scientific manner.   Although this planet evolved separately from Aravu originally, many of its societies have been shaped by the meddling and exploring of the Yashlin. This meddling led to an early global awareness of distant lands, much earlier than would have otherwise been possible with the technology they had at their disposal at the time. Spanning seven continents, Kivria may be best defined by its sophonts' inclination towards diversity, curiosity, and dynamism, much like the planet itself!   A Kivrian day lasts approximately 24 hours and a year is 365 days long. There are two moons orbiting Kivria, and the much smaller of the two moons orbits around the larger moon closely in a dance that will eventually lead to their collision, but not for at least another few million years, so no one really worries about it unless they're feeling existential at 3 am.  

Further Reading


The Uran System

White Star by Aster Vela via Midjourney
At the center of the Uran System, or the Aravun Solar System, lies its star, named the Uran by the Yashelin. The Uran is a large white-blue star, belonging to class a according to the stellar classification table. Orbiting around Uran are seven major planets, in which Aravu is the 5th from the Uran. The rest of the Uran System is not well understood, but it has become the focus of recent research by the Babikiye Research Center via an integrated team of Kivrian and Aravun scientists.   What is known is that the majority of the planets ahead of Uran are rocky, terrestrial planets with relatively weak atmospheres, with the exception of the 4th planet, a giant terrestrial planet with a purplish blue atmosphere that is theorized to be the cause of Hesha's purple cast at night as the Uran's light is filtered through it and to Aravu.   While the first five planets are in close proximity to one another, the other two planets behind Aravu are distant gas giants, set apart from the rest via a vast asteroid belt.

Further Reading

The Vass System

White-Gold Star by Aster Vela via Midjourney
Unlike the Uran System, the Vass System is well understood and highly researched by its inhabitants. At its center lies Vass, meaning Truth in Bes dialect, a white-yellow star (class G) which shines on the ten planets that call this solar system home.   Four out of the ten planets in the Vass System are terrestrial planets. Kivria is the 3rd planet form its central star. Most planets are considered inhospitable to life and thus only researched via unmanned missions. Two other planets, Ebitus and Akstaf, are capable of supporting life and - along with the Kivrian moons - have been walked upon by Kivrian astronauts directly.   The next six planets are made up of four gas giants and two cold, rocky planets at the very outskirts.

Further Reading

The Intertwined Galaxies

Aravu and Kivria are connected via the channeling of vimstones, but where are these two planets located, exactly? Are they anywhere near each other, or on opposite ends of the universe?   Far from being on opposite ends of the universe, Aravu and Kivria are in neighboring galaxies. That will no longer be the case in the next few billion years, however, as their spiral galaxies are already undergoing the process of merging with one another. Around a third of the smaller galaxy has already been overtaken by the larger galaxy. It is fully possible that Aravu and Kivria - or their solar systems at any rate - will one day become true neighbors! In the night sky, societies have watched on as their two solar systems have collided and birthed new stars, but they never imagined just how close they were to each other.

Further Reading

Further Reading

Cover image: Welcome to Araki by Aster Vela via Midjourney


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Aug 23, 2023 06:46

The five seasons is a pretty interesting idea.

Aug 23, 2023 11:46

Thanks! They have a harshly cold and snow-laden season which they call winter, and then a longer, frost-laden season between the winter and the spring. They know when Spring is coming by monitoring at what time (or IF it melts at all) the frost starts melting during the day.

Aug 25, 2023 03:22 by Marjorie Ariel

What a great introduction to the "geography" of your world! It's well organized and did a good job of grounding me in the setting, as well as giving me some ideas for where to visit next.

Aug 25, 2023 10:20

Thank you!

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