May Nanatu Light the Darkness

“What’s this, then?” Uri asks, quietly.   The Ida speaks first, “Nanatu seeks my blessing; reassurance of her choice.”   “Ah.” Uri enters the room fully and sits. Areta stiffly follows and sits on Nanatu’s other side, creating a circle and a buffer zone between Nanatu and the Ida.   Nanatu lounges with her head on Uri's thigh. Areta's hand finds her ankle.   “What is your blessing?” Uri prompts.   “All is well,” the Ida gestures at the silver ball of light, always a better speaker when put on the spot. “May Nanatu light the darkness. May her pursuit of knowledge always be fruitful, or at least interesting. May she celebrate the infinite variety of the past, present, and future. May she flourish in the universe I built and continue to build. May she remember what I have said tonight, and never again fret over whether I am happy with her.”   Nanatu shoves her face against Uri's leg with a short, wet gasp.   Uri takes the Ida’s hand, and squeezes it gently. “Thank you for your blessings, Ida.”   Areta stares straight down into ver lap, where ver thumb massages her ankle bone. Ve says nothing, numb, and hopes that this is the end.


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