
After the war and Heyir's subsequent exile, no one, not even Uri, could convince the moon to light the night sky. Night after night, only the stars greeted the community overhead. Eventually, Kabshi approached Sheruba and Zibibi with an idea: outdoor street lamps powered by shards of vimstones, much like the old-fashioned torchlights designed by Areta Maikir long before they centralized electric power.   The three pounced on the task and gathered a large team from across the communities of Yashelin. Over the course of a month, these teams relit the streets with these vimstone charged street lamps with special designs for the needs (and aesthetics) of each region. Every week, these teams descended upon these lamps to recharge the vimstones.   Although discussions were held frequently between these teams about the possibility of connecting the lamps to the main grid, they never pushed it further than a mere grumble. After all, what if another emergency situation arose and the central power sources failed? With that fear in mind, the team bore the brunt of the spiritually taxing work for the sake of their communities, who had been made fearful and at times paranoid in their trauma. Even when Heyir finally returned, the teams of nightlighters persisted in their weekly work in spite of the moonlight returning to their skies. After all, what if Heyir ever disappeared again? They had learned their lesson about having no back-up.   The nightlighters finally retired only after Nanatu perfected her power to make light. She made many balls of light - pure, condensed energy - with the spiritual support of the Magi and others. As fast as she could make them, the nightlighters replaced every light with these objects. Naturally, to celebrate the achievements past and present of the nightlighters and Nanatu's work, several communities threw festivals in their honor.   Nowadays, the nightlighters only reconvene in the days before nighttime festivals to check their strength and, depending on the festival, change their colors to match the occasion.
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