Ovis Plague

The Ovis Plague is a virus that nearly wiped out all of the Awassi peoples, and many other non-sophont ovine species besides, from the planet of Kivria. As a result, the Awassi lost their status as the predominant sophonts on Kivria. The Henin filled the gaps that the Awassi left behind rapidly and eagerly, more often than not benefiting economically and socially from the massive plague. The world and its civilizations has never been the same.   Only small enclaves of Awassi civilization survived the onslaught of the Ovis Plague. Only the most remote Awassi communities went virtually untouched during the peak. Unfortunately, however, the Ovis Plague has never died. It has evolved for a few thousand years now, becoming less deadly with time. In that time, Kivrians have become ever more interconnected. New technologies that have allowed Kivrians to travel further and farther than ever before has also allowed the plague to travel with them. Thankfully, advances in medical science have also made it less deadly for all if caught quickly enough.   Today, the virus which once brought the world to its knees is regarded as a severe upper respiratory infection that nearly all Awassi get at one point in their lives. While the entire body is caught up in the assault, its impact on the sinuses and throat is the most dangerous for the infected Awassi. If the excessive swelling of the sinuses and throat wasn't uncomfortable enough, the overproduction of mucus will make it feel almost impossible to breathe.   Even though the Ovis Plague is not as severe as it was at its height, even today nearly 30% of cases of the Ovis Plague require medical intervention to prevent either long term damage or death. Children and the elderly are more susceptible to severe illness than adults.  

Incurable to All but the Lucky

The Ovis Plague is widely believed to be an incurable viral disease. In most places and contexts, this is a fact.   If an infected individual is privileged, however, they have access to "magic" healers. "Magic" healers, as they are often called on Kivria, are typically Yashelin or Astris medical professionals who are trained to manipulate the spiritual energy which sustains our bodies. In doing so, they can sooth symptoms of illness and eliminate many physical injuries entirely. While these medical professionals cannot kill the virus, infections are rarely if ever deadly since they can treat the symptoms.   If an infected individual is exceptionally lucky, they either live in the community of Haven already or they are able to get the attention of one of its residents. According to local legend, it is said that Esther Zylpeiros, the queen of Haven and wife of the Laila, has discovered how to kill the virus and others like it entirely.

Affected Species


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Jul 18, 2024 05:51 by Marjorie Ariel

I love the description of how technology has influenced the disease. I also like the rumor that there's someone out there who can completely quash it.

Jul 18, 2024 20:09

Thank you! I'm glad to know what piqued your interest as well - I'll keep it in mind when I'm able to expand on this later! :)

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