Provisional Lodging

Provisional lodging is available to travelers on the outskirts of all Yashelin settlements. These lodgings are organized into a small neighborhood. These neighborhoods are designed for people who need a free and safe place stay on a short-term basis, although those who wish to move in permanently are not forbidden from doing so.   Heshi Ariko's provisional neighborhood is the largest and busiest of all of such places, especially during holidays and important farming seasons such as planting and harvest.  



Short-Term Residents

The majority of people who stay in provisional lodging only stay for one to two nights. They rarely remain in this housing longer than a month.   People who intend to remain in the area for longer than a month or two typically find alternative accommodations within the local community. According to first rule of the Rule of Five, a set of maxims which guides Yashelin conduct, a person should "never sleep alone." Therefore, travelers are expected to search for housing that they share with others rather than stay alone for extended periods of time. Conversely, everyone is expected to open their home up to travelers and those in need, even if they are an absolute stranger.  

Long-Term Residents

A handful of individuals live in provisional lodging for an extended period of time either by choice or by necessity. Permanent residents in buildings intended for provisional lodging must go through a legal process that transfers the home from the collective ownership of the settlement to the individual owner.  

Neighborhood Stewards

Neighborhood Stewards are those individuals who have found that they are happiest living alone. Since regular Yashelin homes are not built on an individual basis, these people find themselves in provisional lodging turned permanent residence. These permanent residents are often also expected to act as stewards of the neighborhood, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and safely within it for everyone.  
Example Stewards
Hanalun is one of the stewards of Shushani Pithin's provisional lodging neighborhood. They prefer to live alone with their sizeable dragon flock. In return for their relative solitude, Hanalun supports the rest of the neighborhood by providing short-term residents with keys, keeping the streets clean of litter, and other tasks as they arise.   Heyir was the founder and steward of Heshi Ariko's provisional lodging neighborhood. They were beloved for their warm hospitality, oftentimes going so far as to invite travelers into their own small home if they were lonely or unwell. Under the watchful eye of Heyir, no one lived alone by force.  

"Homeless" Residents

Other long-term residents in provisional lodging neighborhoods live there because they have no other acceptable choice. Since the homes are free for anyone to use, people can use them to avoid homelessness. This is an especially common practice amongst non-Yashelin individuals who, for one reason or another, cannot live with members of their own communities for an extended period of time.  
Examples of Homeless Residents
Dimas toes the line between Neighborhood Steward and Homeless Resident. He moved into Heshi Ariko's provisional lodging neighborhood shortly after being ostracized from the Mapek Gens.   Odina, the Reincarnation of Rafa, lived in one of Caso Rovash's provisional lodging units for years. Her homelessness ended when she accidentally confessed her situation to the Caso Rovash Hospital staff. They immediately organized together and opened their homes to her for her to rotate through until she permanently moved in with Rafa's family.   Nanatu lived in Heshi Ariko's provisional neighborhood for almost one hundred years straight despite searching in vain for somewhere else to live. Most rejected her because she is an Astris and thus dangerous politically and possibly physically. Some simply didn't see the situation for what it was. Nevertheless, she would move in with Petal's family when Bee forced the issue.  



Designing the Neighborhood

Each neighborhood reflects the architectural and organizational personality of each settlement. The main difference is that each temporary unit in the neighborhood shares the same floor plan with its neighbors, creating an alien cookie-cutter appearance to these homes that is otherwise unusual and even distasteful in traditional Yashelin architectural design.  

Designing the Units

Despite the fact that the building is expected to be used on a temporary basis by any given person, the buildings themselves are built to last hundreds of years with state-of-the-art materials, construction techniques, and regular maintenance. In general, the buildings are well-maintained, being inspected and cleaned after every resident and/or every six months, whichever comes first.   The interior is shabby in comparison to the sturdy and cleanly exterior. The furniture in most provisional lodging units is of unusually poor quality by Yashelin standards, but sturdy enough to stand up to regular use.  
Insert quote here from Nanatu getting better furniture before the other Reincarnations arrive for a visit

Generic Floor Plan

Each unit in is built according to the same exact blueprint across the entire neighborhood. While some variations in style are present according to their location, the interior of provisional lodging units typically includes:  
  1. One open-plan living space which contains the bare essentials for entertaining, dining, and sleeping, such as a bed, fireplace, and kitchen,
  2. One bathroom, usually stocked with necessities that the traveler may have neglected to bring with them,
  3. One sanctuary space which is meant to provide a personal space hidden from guests but is hardly larger than a closet.
These units are small and may be sometimes uncomfortably furnished, but they serve the critical needs of most temporary visitors. Permanent residents are encouraged to decorate and adapt their unit to their own tastes.
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Future Article Planning Notes
Add quotes from the following scenarios:
  • Heyir moving permanently into one of the units, to Coran's consternation
  • Hanalun giving someone their keys, unaware that they are scared of dragons until one has already wrapped around their leg.
  • Nanatu asking for and failing to receive a place to stay from Bee vs everyone's horror surrounding Odina's situation.


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