The Aravun Civil War

This article is a WIP! It is such a WIP that most of the content is missing! I submitted it now to avoid forgetting about it later, so please check back later and/or when I send out a notification for it.     The Aravun Civil War, once known as the First War, was the first major conflict amongst the Yashelin to take place on Aravun soil. It lasted a mere day, a riot of violence which ended as quickly as it began. Nevertheless, this one day of violence kickstarted a cold cultural war that has continued to rage for thousands of years later, only now beginning to be resolved meaningfully.  

Breakdown of Events

Growing Pressure

The Astris Genocide left many Yashelin upset and confused, if not grieving and shocked. The pressure built up and up until the discontents found their Serayin, their figurehead, in Heyir.   Heyir pushed and pushed for societal reform despite the pleas of their compatriots. Those who could've, should've compromised refused to give any ground. This era of unease lasted until the bubble finally popped.  

The Spark

Heyir and Ezeki planned a meeting together at sunrise. Rather than the quiet morning together to discuss recent events that they both had hoped for, the Ida had instead hijacked Ezeki's body and confronted Heyir.   Cursed dagger in hand, Heyir stabbed the Ida. No, no. Heyir stabbed Ezeki.   While the onlookers at the park processed what just happened, Heyir panicked. When they saw Uri rushing towards them, they made the most critical of errors: Heyir ran away.
Simultaneously, Seri knew that something was seriously wrong when they realized that they had spoken to the Ida rather than Ezeki on its way out of the library. They evacuated as many Heshi Ariko residents as they could under the pretense of a wildfire. Just as Heyir had asked, in case everything went south.   As Seri raised the protective energy barriers around Kotuye Library, they smelled smoke. All at once, they realized that it hadn't been a pretense; it was an order. Fearing for the worst and yet still trusting in their oldest friend, Seri shepherded the clueless evacuees into the basement.

The Conflagration

The fighting broke out almost instantaneously in the wake of Heyir's retreat. The fighting began in Shushani Pithin, then spread quickly to Caso Rovash. The power was swiftly cut, and all communication systems went down alongside it.   Meanwhile, a giant fire blazed through the fertile land below Heshi Ariko. Residents, unaware of the current conditions in Shushani Pithin and Caso Rovash, were either sheltered safely away in the library or fully enraptured by the fight against a conflagration that was too severe to be unintentional.

Cover image: by Matt Palmer


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