Water Manipulation

When Vanora, the Ofanin of Water, taught Maran its secret language, it also taught him and any who he blessed with the power to manipulate water. All Bes Astris are blessed with such a power at birth via magically charged sigils painted by Maran or Hiko, the only two people in the universe besides the Ida and Vanora who understand it. Besides their ability to control water, individuals with this power are incapable of drowning and will either 1) bob on the surface until help arrives or 2) be whisked away personally by the Vanora to the safety of dry land, whether that be the nearest coast or friendly fisherman. Along with their immunity to drowning, it is also possible for groups of elementalists to summon rain. Most summoned rain manifests as a weak drizzle, but if it's already raining, they may instead summon a raging thunderstorm.


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