Water Salute

A four year old Elaith totters around the Siren, looking overinflated in his life jacket.   Maran, meanwhile, is lecturing (teasing) a soldier (his son), who maintains a (mocking) salute.   Elaith totters next to the soldier, staring up at Maran with his little mouth half open.   "At ease, Jonny, we've got an audience," Maran notes, dryly. "Hello there, El. You're up early."   "Good morning," Elaith signs. He decides, in that moment, that the sign of Maran's name is the sign for water plus a salute. "Good morning, Maran."   Maran repeats the compound gesture back at him, then points at himself in question, grinning like a loon.   Elaith points at him, then repeats the gesture again. He tries to hold the salute, copying the soldier, but the ship pitches forward slightly and he flails and falls on his butt.   Before Elaith can properly work himself up into a proper toddler fit, Maran sweeps him off of his feet with a cheer and onto his shoulders.   When Areta finally wakes up, Maran rushes to ver.   "El, tell your daddy what my name is!" Maran urges, setting him down against his will.   Elaith huffs and impatiently signs, "Maran." Water + salute.   Areta mimics it, smiling wryly at Maran. "Yeah, that name suits you perfectly, Mar."


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