Yashelin Flock System

The flock system of the Yashelin is a form of government unique to Yashelin societies and cultures. This system is a formalized version of the Yashelin's instinctual urge to flock, or orbit, around one of the seven Serayin, similar to dragon or bird flocks. While the relationship between an individual Yashelin and the Serayin they follow is called an orbit, the larger group is collectively called a Flock.   Since there are seven Serayin, there are seven confirmed flocks in existence within the entire Yashelin species. The government of the Aravun Yashelin is made up of six out of the seven flocks working in tandem via a central government. The central government is designed to promote collaboration between the flocks, to resolve conflicts, and to handle collective concerns, such as the Advancing Frost. The seventh flock operates independently within the confines of Kivria and is not a legal part of the Aravun Yashelin central government, preferring instead to petition them like a foreign entity.   The seven flocks blur the lines between an organization, an ethnicity, and a profession. Flocks are highly organized systems which follow a strict hierarchical order. While all of the flocks are believed to have their independent purposes that contribute to a whole, their upper hierarchy is a shared cultural and organizational touchstone. At the very top of (almost) every flock are a Serayin, a Decenir, and a Council.  

Our Gravitational Center: the Serayin

Information about the Serayin as they relate directly to the flock system here  

Second-in-Command: the Decenir

The Decenir are the second-in-command of a Serayin. Each Decenir operates according to the needs and desires of their flockmates. While their everyday responsibilities vary according to the individual, all Decenir are expected to represent their Serayin and their flock with integrity and passion.   The Decenir share almost an equal amount of authority within the flock. In the Serayin's absence, they are expected to step into their place and lead. If Coran is unavailable, Jo is an equally valid authority on matters directly concerning the Peli Flock.   Most flocks have only one Serayin and only one Decenir, a sort of duality. A Serayin may declare more than one Decenir desired or necessary. Rafa has two Decenir. Petal and Bee may often feel like oil and water, but Rafa affectionately calls them zir "push and pull."  


Councils and their purposes within the Yashelin flock system here


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Aug 17, 2024 02:35 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing article.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3

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