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Acr'Aldr the Peak

High Father Acr'Aldr

Divine Alterations table Roll a D6 on the Alteration table to see what the influence of the Highest Father rewards you with
D6 Result
1 Your skin grows white and cold like marble.
2 You begin to hear whispers on the wind whenever someone lies. You gain advantage on insight checks to see if someone lies or not.
3 Your eyes glow with the light of the Nebulae.
4 You learn to speak Celestial.
5 Your shadow shows you with four arms instead of what is normal.
6 Your eyes glow slightly when in absolute darkness.

Divine Domains

Acr'Aldr is the Quintessential god of the ENTIRE Abandoned realm. He holds absolute power over everything within it, from the smallest of atoms on the farthest of comets, to the largest of monstrosities spawned from DeFeur itself. He is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent when inside the Realm and even holds full sway on the Positive and Negative energy planes linked to the Abandoned Realm.

He is not like the lesser deities over which He rules. He does not actually concern Himself much with the worries of mortals in the manners they do, and, as such, does not grant power to his priests and clerics, besides the ability to contact Him on certain occasions. He is the god of gods, the absolute ruler of the Abandoned Realm, and just as how an emperor will barely bother with the farmers his dukes look after so does He not oft concern Himself with mortals.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbols of Him are a baby blanket wrapped around a spear and 3, consecutively smaller, circles within one another with an eye over a cross in the middle of the third and smallest circle.

The former represents the first contact of Him with the mortals of the Abandoned Realm, during which He turned a stillborn child into a spear and threw it into the soil. The Eret'Sile, as became its name which means ''Life from heaven'' in Batorian, then became a symbol for the potential for war but also peace that all beings have, with the innocent blanket covering up the dangerous spear.

The second symbol the Varenen'Drik, or ''One-sided mirror'', embodies the omniscient but unknowable nature of the Over-Power and came to be after a High Priest cut his own eyes out and placed them within his golden rings, believing he could somehow see the world around himself clearer without his mortal biases.

Tenets of Faith

The worshipers of Him, collectively known as the High Priests, have always adhered to the idea that they should aid their Lord in, what they see as, his duties. This means that they do everything to preserve the Abandoned Realm and everything that falls under it. Because of this their faith revolves around maintaining peace and the security of the realm at all costs. This also inspires them to promote charity, a strong control of governments over their citizens, and a belief in the importance that all peoples are born with the right to speak their mind. The latter is one of the most important tenets, actually, as the High Priests are very aware of one, very important, detail about their gods. Namely; he hears, sees, and knows EVERYTHING that happens within his realm, and that means that the voices of just one person, even just one god, will be drowned out just by the sheer noise of it all. Therefore, all who wish to make themselves heard must speak up loudly, as one voice, and must not be silenced by censors nor by censure.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The goals of the Highest Lord are not easily summarized. It is not that they are unknown, He holds no secrets from anyone and does not hold information back when He explains Himself either, it is simply that they are far too complicated for most denizens of the Realm to truly grasp. But, that shall not be an issue for you, the reader, i am sure.

First off, to understand the goals of the Overgod you must know that He is not the only one in existence. There are thousands of crystal spheres, with almost all having at least a single Overgod that watch over it, a fact that is not particularly common knowledge but is none the less fact. He is no different, He exists to watch over the Abandoned Realm and ensure its continued existence. This mission is not one He can simply refuse, it is the very reason He was born, the reason He was created. This means that He has to plan decades, if not millennia, in advance to anticipate every possibility. This is not always possible, especially when the threat comes from outside his sphere of omnipotence, The Collision is a perfect example of this, but He always holds some trick up his sleeve, be it in direct interference or via the use of his emissaries.

Physical Description

Body Features

Acr'Aldr can appear in any way He wants but in general He appears as a tall member of the observing species with an athletic build and multiple pairs of arms, usually around 50, all but two of which He folds behind his back. Oft, but not always, He will also have either 3 pais of wings that envelop his body or He will miss an eye, the socket of which will glow with electricity.

Facial Features

Because Acr'Aldr will appear as any species the person observing Him belongs to, and can appear as anything else if that is not enough, his facial features constantly shift with little consistency, but, in general, some traits are rather constant. These traits are; his long hair, the strands of which don't seem to end as much as they just become part of the space around them, and his eyes, which can best be described as holes into space, all though modern Batorians would likely not recognize them as such now as they would not recognize the stars within the eyes as stars, for they likely do not even know what they are.

Identifying Characteristics

No matter what form the Highest Lord takes on, one trait remains consistent. One feature that makes it clear that this is, in fact, the Over-Power of the Realm, the greatest god to have ever lived within the sphere. This trait, this feature, to simply put it is; His footsteps, or, to be more precise, his lack of them. He does not cause a single sound when interacting with, nor does He leave a mark on, his surroundings. This, obviously, sets Him apart from mortals, even from the gods, and its a trait that seemingly no other can match, as even gods that attempted to pose as Him could not quite match this feat.

Apparel & Accessories

In general, Acr'Aldr will, when He manifests to mortals, either appear completely in the nude, which is exceedingly likely if He appears as a male, or in a blue and green toga that is often long enough He has to drag it behind Him, though it will float just above the ground to avoid being dirtied. Besides this He will wear nothing but two gold and opal bracelets on each of his limbs, one at the base and one at the end, which are encrusted with onyx and garnet gemstones.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

From the first dawn, He was there. Till the last dusk, He is here. Now, He is everywhere.
In the day before the first breath, the rainbow eagle spread her wings. she was birthed from His remains, from the light that He carried with Him from the very fire from with He was birthed. Her feathers fell from her back, misshaping and dissolving into the light clouds we so happily map and depict in our prayers, the beating of her wings told the dust of worlds where to be, and her passing in His arms drew the first tears and the first breath, the latter of which gifted her with new, holy, life along His side.
At the dusk of the first day after the first breath, He shaped the marble rock into the charioteer of the planets. The first cow, in His name, shaped the rings of the sky and perpetuated them, she is still gracing us with her visage in the eternally falling line.
At the dawn of the day after the charioteer, He shaped the breath of the wind into the trickster raven. His whispers would forever be carried, the trickster would carry them wherever He wished, and the winds breathe no more.
Lastly, at the dusk of the day after the dusk of the day after the trickster, the excisor was born. killed by the mad waste of mortals, He saved him from the cold with a single breath. In return, the magpie knew he would need to repay Him, but He, in His eternal humbleness, did not wish payment, He was sick of it, and so He told him to collect His tithes and spread them to His people, for He did not wish for tithes, He wished for simple peace to do His duties but He knew that there were those who needed them still, so He tasked the excisor with the duty of spreading them to those who did. From then on, His host was complete, and they would be His agents in the Realm he would from then on guide and shape.   From the sixth day after, He would be a hand which, while actively working on the clay that was His Realm, would work in a way that would rarely involve the mortal realm as His matters were far beyond their power and knowledge. From conventions with other Over-Powers to learn of their vast wisdom, leading travelers to the Realm so they may educate and bring forth new inventions to it, to bringing calamity to Bator and the other worlds so they may learn how to adept to them in the future.   The rare times that He has revealed Himself to the mortal realm, it was to share His wisdom to it in a manner that required a more direct touch than His usual subtle works. In all of history, He has only been recorded to have revealed himself to mortals 4 times. In the year of The Black Skies, 5987 B.C, the year of the Heaven's Sea, 3700 B.C, the year of The Golden Heart, 2073 B.C, and the year of the Horror of Below, 51 A.C.   In His first emanation he appeared on the slopes of Mount Arek Hel, appearing as a face and four arms that emerged from nothingness, where He prophesied its eruption before turning a child whom had died in its mothers arm into a spear which He threw into the ground, causing it to grow into a tree that would turn to dust on the day before the eruption.   In His second emanation, in the year of the Heaven's Seas He appeared before the Primogenial Spelljammer, the Nestle Heart, just before they entered the Abandoned Realm's crystal sphere as a female elf, with four arms dressed in the same material as that the sphere was made up of, who guided them on a smooth journey through Wildspace before leaving again.   In His third emanation, in the year of The Golden Heart He appeared upon the Dead Throne, appearing as a male hobgoblin with four arms and an eye patch dressed in a robe, in the Sea of Steads as to guide Bob Valsken in his attempt to return to the mainland, after having been stranded on the Dead Throne thanks to a shipwreck, so that he could further his work on his invention of Valsken Gold.   Lastly, in His fourth emanation to the mortal realm in the year of the Horror of Below He personally appeared to erase the Horror of Below from existence. Appearing as a humanoid made up of the Nebulae themselves with four arms and missing an eye, hundreds of metres tall, and garbed in the skin of the Horror of Below, He simply held out His four arms and the Horror of Below was gone in the blink of an eye. This event in particular has gone down in Batorian folklore as a sign that, despite the horrid situation the world finds itself in, the people have not been abandoned, at least not fully so.

Personality Characteristics


The single motivation that Acr'Aldr has is the preservation and the care of the Abandoned Realm, and maybe its people.



When interacting with mortals Acr'Aldr is known to speak in a rather slow manner and extensively move and gesture with his hands, similar to how one would speak to a child and or dog. This is almost the exact opposite of how he behaves when interacting with Gods or mortals of extreme power. When he does, he speaks swiftly, sternly, and with his hands behind his back, and tends to be quick to lash out when spoken back to.

Hobbies & Pets

Acr'Aldr has been, throughout the Eras, been associated with 4 different animal companions. Diakóptis, the stone cow who guides the planetary cycles, Hersker, the unseen raven that guides the gods of the weather into a stable cycle of chaos and order, Kjæretyv, the dead magpie that collects tithes from gods and mortals before dropping them in the hands of the poor, and Filenáda, the great spotted eagle whose plumage became the nebulae that infests the Abandoned Realm and that Acr'Aldr considers to be his closest companion.

Diakóptis is a vast cow chiseled from a marble comet and the first living creation of Acr'Aldr, created to pull the planets of the Abandoned Realm into a stable orbit around DeFeu, as well ensure they stay moving by chasing them all across the sky, visible from Bator as a streak of bright white that moves across the sky during the night and occasionally changes its latitude to chase a different one of the visible planets. She is also known as the mother of Minotaurs, both literally and figuratively depending on which version of the story you look at, as she is said to have either adopted the Minotaurs that Baphomet dropped onto Bator and freed them of their demonic nature or have been assaulted by Baphoment and forced to birth the first Batorian Minotaurs.

Hersker is an invisible raven, the second living creation of Acr'Aldr, and was crafted from the breathe of the wind. Hersker lives to serve his lord and does so by delivering messages for Him through the whispers that lay on the wind and by ensuring the Gods of weather and wind do not misuse their power and do not just throw tornadoes and earth quakes around. He is generally considered to be a naughty gossip, and this has gotten himself into many scuffles with gods whom he happened to overhear and then could not resist to keep their secrets secret, this has made him the subject of many a comedy over the years and he is generally dissociated from his creator by theologians and High Priests alike to protect the reputation of the Highest Father.

Kjæretyv is the excisor of Acr'Aldr and was the first being to die unnecessarily and was resurrected by Acr'Aldr after he was killed by two drunk noblemen which had thrown rocks at him in their drunken fervor. In thanks he vowed loyalty to Him, which the Lord put to use by having the bird collect the offerings mortals dedicated to Him which he had no use for, which includes all offerings made in his name as He does not require worship nor does He wish to be, and then distribute them to the poor and the suffering. He is generally considered to be the second most loyal servant of Acr'Aldr, second only to Filenáda, and is generally an easy placeholder in legends and stories about Him when He needs an agent in the mortal world for a general devoir and messages which He is not willing to put out in words, such as when Kjæretyv dropped a finger-bone unto the deck of a ship of starving sailors to tell them they had gone to far and to go back home.

Last, but not least, we have Filenáda the rainbow spotted eagle and the closest known companion to Acr'Aldr. Birthed from the light of DeFau which still dripped of the skin of the newly born Overgod, Filenáda would quickly go through the entire life cycle of the species of animal that would emulate her, growing a fresh coat, learning to fly, shedding her plumage, and finally dying in the arms of Acr'Aldr, all in a single day. Then, with the feathers still fresh and shaping themselves into the Nebulae of the realm, Acr'Aldr simply breathed new life into his new companion, reviving her, before travelling to Thoughtshine and ruling from there. Filenáda, since the very beginning of time, has never parted ways with her brother and appears in every story He does, if not as a main actor at least as a background details. Most often, Filenáda is portrayed in one of two ways; either a wise sage that distills advice for weary travelers in their hours of need or a force of nature which exhalts Acr'Aldr's wrath upon all who dare face the Highest Father in person.


Asmodeus The Cloven

Servant (Vital)

Towards Acr'Aldr the Peak



Acr'Aldr the Peak

Superior (Important)

Towards Asmodeus The Cloven



Acr'Aldr the Peak

Lord (Important)

Towards Que'Tar the Hungering



Que'Tar the Hungering

Duke (Vital)

Towards Acr'Aldr the Peak



Acr'Aldr the Peak

Guardian (Vital)

Towards Karles the Recovering



Karles the Recovering

Duke (Vital)

Towards Acr'Aldr the Peak



Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
His Lord the Highest, Father, His Highest, His unknowing, the Highest Lord.
Currently Held Titles
As old as the Abandoned Realm itself
Circumstances of Birth
He was born in the heart of DeFeu, at the very dawn of time, in a searing blue light.
The center of DeFeu
Current Residence
The Cradle of Acr'Aldr in Thoughtshine
an unending pair of pits, dotted with bright lights that, when observed, show constelations and stars.
A misty arrangement of strands of hair that appear and dissapear at random which constantly change position.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A tapestry of shades of pink, purple, green, yellow, orange, black, and white that constantly morphs and reshapes itself.
As tall as He has to be.
As heavy as He desires
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Acr'Aldr is fluent in every language ever spoken and can understand every kind of code and slang He hears, reads, or senses with his omniscience.

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