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The Abandoned Realm


The Abandoned realm is a crystal sphere located in the Externis Orbium of the phlogiston. The sphere wall was roughly 250 billion kilometres in diameter and contained the 8 worlds of, in order of the farther from the sun they are to the closer they are, Donkerlucht, Kristalberg, Sarl, Mortol, Blas, Sarte, Bator, and Tellito. The star of the sphere, which is called DeFeu, is rather small, only about 0.9R, but burns incredibly hot, with its surface temperate reaching up to 7000 degrees kelvin, and is very heavy for its size, 1.11M. Throughout the crystal sphere a large variety of nebulae, around 6 dozen, floated around in set paths and shapes which were used as way-points and had countless myths and tales based on them which the peoples of the Sphere considered as valid and important as the tales of other Spheres around their own stars and moons.   Donkerlucht is the planet most removed from the sun, being only 30 millions kilometres away from the sphere wall. It is a spherical air world of Size G with a completely black-colored atmosphere. It is about 100,000 kilometres in diameter and has no known solid surface. When the Abandoned Realms were still commonly traveled the planet was a hub for adventurers and air-elemental mages, the former using the stormy atmosphere to test their spelljammer durability or train their skills as a dragon rider while the later mainly harvested the natural elemental magic from the atmosphere for power.   Kristalberg is an elliptical earth world of Size F and the second farthest planet, being about 2.6 billion kilometres removed from Donkerlucht. It is entirely made up of 3 different minerals, with a few trace elements that are so few they are less than a procent of the entire planet. These 3 minerals are diamond, sinhalite, and petalite. It is about 20,000 kilometres in diameter and has a few large, frozen oceans on its surface which contain all 1.260 trillion liters of water on the planet. This water, sometimes, evaporates when the planet gets close to the Sun or another world and then comes down as massive snowstorms onto the surface. The world was once a massive trade hub for the races of the universe that could endure the cold, and some that could not, such as: Goliaths, White Dragons, and Genasi. Each of these races made their home on the world in specially made air-pockets provided by various corporations that intended to establish mining facilities on the surface, with the previously mentioned races, and a few others, oft searching for luck and wealth there.   Sarl is a cubic, hollow, earth world of Size C and the third farthest planet from the Sun, being about 3,723 million kilometres away from Kristalberg. It is about 5,000 kilometres in diameter and is completely covered by one large desert of pure ruby dust. While it seems to be a normal world, on the surface, it is actually rather hollow, with there being hundreds of thousands of caverns, tunnels, and trenches under the surface which are sustained due to the complete tectonic stagnancy of the planet. Before the Collision, the planet was inhabited by dozens of small settlements of Tiefling that migrated to the planet for both religious and economic reasons due to the common Batorian belief of Sarl being created by the Sane Gods banishing demonic incursions from the planet which clustered together into Sarl and the fact that the dust that covered the world is 100 pure ruby. Besides Tieflings; Earth elementals, Genasi, and Dwarfs made their home on Sarls before leaving or dying after the Collision.   Mortol is an elliptical Water, size G world of about 45,000 kilometres in diameter. It is about 4,273 million kilometres removed from Sarl, making it the fourth farthest planet from the sun. Its core consists of about a few different types of minerals, of which all are black in color, but the vast majority of its surface is covered in a black, water like liquid called ''Bad Blood''. Bad Blood is a rather mysterious element. It shares many properties with water, from flash point to how it interacts with other materials, but is mostly opaque and black in color and is slightly heavier. It also holds a special, magical, property in that when it is touched the person who touched it will hallucinate their greatest trauma both vividly and from the perspective of those who inflicted it upon them, making it the subject of many researches and avoided by most. This did not stop the world from being colonized, however, as the planet was tidally locked and lacked storms meaning it was a rather safe location to live if you could avoid contact with the Bad Blood. The majority of the citizenry on Mortol consisted of Gnomes, Half-lings, Kraeken, and Golinea, with the majority of its economy being as a resting place and harbor for merchants to move their goods from one end of the sphere to another.   The twin worlds of Blas and Sarte are the smallest and least tamed of all worlds in the crystal sphere. Both are spherical fire worlds that rotate around one another, with Blas being a Size D and Sarte a Size E but only differing about 1,600 Kilometres in their diameter. Both worlds consist of various materials that ignite at, only, 50 degrees Celsius which gives them their Fire world classification. Because they both lack moons and a surface somewhat habitable for ,most, races, only Genasi, Fire Giants, and Red Dragons ever made a living on these worlds which lasted longer than a few days.   Next is the spherical, Earth, Size E world of Bator. The planet is about 13,000 kilometres in diameter and is the 5th farthest planet from the sun, being about 1,275 million kilometres away from Blas and Sarte. It is covered by one large desert, or many smaller different deserts depending on how you view it, which is called Le grand désert. Its surface is divided into about 8 different trenches, divided by massive plateaus which used to be continents. It used to have various great oceans on the surface but those all evaporated after the Collision along with the various grand forests that once covered much of the world. It is inhabited by most races that one would find anywhere in the phlogiston; Half-lings, Gnomes, Dwarfs, Goliaths, Dragons, Giants, Drow, Dragonborn, Orcs, Goblins etc etc but Humans and Elves are basically extinct, excluding about 40 remaining individuals of both, and is also inhabited by some races one would not find in most other crystal sphere; like Tarrasqueborn, Medusea, and Golinae.   And lastly we get to Tellito. This Earth, cubical, Size D world is the closest to the Sun, being only 50 million kilometres away from it, and is only 5,000 kilometres in diameter. It is entirely made up of diamond and its surface is covered in thousands of massive trenches dug out via millennia of mining. It used to be inhabited by fire and stone giants that dug out and sold the diamond deposits, being the only race that could survive the harsh conditions of the planet.

Fauna & Flora

Once, the Abandoned realm was a diverse and beautiful realm. The space whales feeding in the nebulae would leave one speechless, the lights of the cities on and around the planets illuminated wildspace in a golden glow, and beasts and men alike could gorge themselves on the wealth accumulated from millennia of trade and innovation. But that all ended after the Collision. The nebulae are nearly extinguished, the cities are dead and dark, and beasts and men now gorge upon themselves and each other.   The Collision also made an end to the interaction between habitats that was so common before, leaving the planets and wildspace all isolated. This means that, if a creature or plant was not perfectly adapted to their specific planet, the absence of support from sapient species caused many species to go extinct. For example, many forests were planted on floating plots of land on Mortol which were inhabited by countless land dwelling species of animals and plants but now only plants which could exploit the large amounts of water are left as those plots of land have fallen into the black seas.    The same goes for species in wildspace, but to a lesser extent. There are certain species that did not make it, mostly because they relied on interaction with or preying on Spelljammers, such as wood barnacles or helm trapers, but there are still a few that have found the new way of the realm to be good for them. For example, space whales do not get hunted anymore, Vampiriks can freely feed, and Flesh clouds can be left alone.


For millennia the history of the realm has been ... vague. Bator has been shaped by the way other realms interacted with it and has been reliant on external sources for most of its historical records. It did this as it, quite excruciatingly so, lacked reliable historical records of ancient times. It has the Tomes of Hariët, the various works of Jaro Povijest, and maybe some cave paintings but those are really all there is that has not been exported or ''recovered'' from outside the sphere in the department of ancient history. This means that there is no single agreed history of Bator up to the year 6000 B.C, around which the first true historians, such as Wilhelmina Bilderdam or František Miljoekov, began actually keeping records of their recent history and the times they actually lived through.   After, around, the year 6000 B.C history became much more clear. This was when the Age of the Sciences began and, as stated above, the first historians began keeping records. The peoples of the realm had already developed lead and bronze tools, as well as a semi-reliable silver and gold industry for the creation of currency, but they were by no means advanced. This was also when the first spell was cast, likely a healing spell cast by a druid or shaman. In previous years there may have been some crude rituals and directed prayers but the earliest record of actual spell being cast come from around this time period and not earlier. Throughout the next 2000 years, this one time casting would inspire many mages and scholars to explore just what magic, and science by extension, had to offer. The first iron tools were made in 5700 B.C using a fire spell, the first steam engine was made in 5300 B.C using a mixture of simple chemical combustion and aeromancy, though it was incredibly inefficient, and in 4900 B.C the first public sewer and hot water network was established in the elven city of Cré Domhain using hydromancy and simple aqueducts. All these technologies, and many more, were invented during this time, which allowed the start of the next age.   In the year 4000 B.C came the Age of Gods, an era where the needs of the past were sated and men, elf, giant, dragon, beast, nor goblin needed nor wanted, in any case they did so much less than their ancestors ever would. Instead of spending their entire diurn on the fields, unduly exhausted in the gloom to take the pains of pondering their own existence or morality and overmuch concerned with getting up in early dawn to bide for mere conjecture, only a morsel of the populace had to work the fields to feed that same populace, while another morsel now specialized in various a handicraft that could range from farming apparatus' to the brush of great artists, and the remainder could focus on the art of thought instead of the art of the hands. This is when the primogenial spelljammer of the realm first entered through the sphere in the year of 3700 B.C. After this, many followed, and by the year 3500 Bator had its very first Spelljammer port. For the next 1200 years Batorian philosophy thrived under the influence of the visitors from the stars and the world became a center of trade and culture.   This era lasted until the year 2300 B.C, the Age of Nobility, which came about when the large empires that had formed in the previous age split up due to political turmoil and the parts being taken a hold of by the, supposed, heirs of the various empires that used to rule them. It was a disturbed time, the countless wars between kingdoms disturbed trade, philosophy and advanced theology took a downturn, and tension only rose as alliances formed massive blocks that were always on the verge of colliding with one another. However, after 500 years of constant international issues and tension, this petered out and a new norm was forged. Yes, there were always various minor conflicts going about, but the establishment of larger nations, such as the Humane Feudal Kingdoms and the Tlincalli Sovereignty, and a new need for the return of inter-spherical trade due to the vast cost of the last 500 years all helped push any wishes for large scale conflict. Eventually, this brought forth a lukewarm peace that lasted until the end of the era, a peace defined by the existence, but not the prominence, of wars between city states that were kept isolated while the larger powers focused on trade within the realm and without and the occasional war fought using other states instead of themselves.   Sadly, this era had to end as well, and was followed up by our current age: The Age of the Castle. This era started in the year 1 and consists of all history that occurred since then.
Alternative Name(s)
The realm of Bator, the Mad plug, the Sane shield
Solar System
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