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Virkhagen (Virk-hay-gen)

"Loyalty runs in our blood like the snow to the sky. Know if you harm one of us, you harm all of us."
  The large Town of Virkhagen is situated within The Giants Spine and the capital of the Falstead Empire. Surrounded by a steep, snowy mountain range fit only for the hardy. It is the eldest of the towns still inhabited. And as such, it is filled to the brim with culture and bloody history.
Know that should you find yourself within the icy grips of Virkhagen, it does not let its people go easy.


Virkhagen was an absolute monarchy with a relatively small council appointed by the people. And, Virkhagen taxes it's citizens monthly (or should the item come from the kingdom itself per exchange). The goverment is acted upon through the kings/queensguard. However, with the death of Hans much of how Virkhagen is up in the air.


Upon reaching the shore of Virkhagen, two towers are the first obstacle. Then, regardless of the entrance you come upon- a large thick wall stands looming over the settlement. Guardsmen are always present and will search your carts and person. However, it is not just manmade structures that act as a defense, surrounding the town is also the mountain range dubbed by locals as The Giants Spine. It's known to be incredibly deadly.

Industry & Trade

Virkhagen's main exports are coal, Iron, fish and manpower. Many who live here work, or have family who works in the mine. The most important import for the Virkhagen people is food, as the area they live in is notoriously difficult to farm on with only a select few crops being able to survive.


Ashland Port is the main port and the only entrance into Virkhagen. Gladesbound Keep and Vihreä Kristalli Conservatory are also present. Gladesbound Keep and Ashland Port are the oldest buildings in Virkhagen. However, there are a few longstanding inns and shops.


Founded in -730 CE, Virkhagen is the eldest of the three settlements. For a long period of time, however, Virkhagen spent much of its time simply existing. Much of early Virkhagen was focused on expansion, founding Aremore in -420 CE and Ephyrae in -340 CE.
In -82 BEDD, Hans Iste showed up within the ranks of Virkhagen. Immediately, the man weaseled his way into the inner workings of Virkhagen's council. He spoke of a prior civilization and fought for aid from Virkhagen to look into it. At the time was run by the Duke Erik Riedel who was easily swayed. In particular, after an an attempted assassination that Hans himself pervented.
Virkhagen was the leading cause of the closing of The End, Hans in particular being the one to kill the ender dragon. Supposedly, somewhere within the Gladesbound Keep is the head of the dragon.
However, as of two (in world days), Hans has been killed and Fraya Lorna has been crowned queen.


Many flock to Virkhagen for the naturally forming Auroras that form above the Gladesbound Keep. That, or, the more scholarly folks come for the Vihreä Kristalli Conservatory, the largest collection of knowledge between the three settlements within it's walls. Though, some people may just like the cold.


Everything in Virkhagen takes inspiration from Viking architecture. Most are built to survive fire with stone floors and foundation. Thick spruce (or dark oak) logs hold the walls up and the roofs are always built to withstand a signifcant amount of snowfall. Sconces are often what light up the inside, whilst exteriors can be accompanied with braziers.


During the spring, Virkhagen reaches a minimum of -14 F (-26 C) and maxium temperature of 0 F (-18 C). Whilst summer temperatures range between -5 F (-20 C) and peak to around 6 F (-14 C). Fall temperatures continue to lower with a range between -28 F (-33 C) to -3 F (-19 C) . Winter, however, is by far the worst season in Virkhagen with a temperature range of -42 F (-41 C) to -33 F (-36 C) . Snowfall is common, however rain can occasionally sprinkle around Ashland Port. Hail isn't unusual for Virkhagen, either.
Founding Date
-780 CE
Alternative Name(s)
Virk's Hag, Winter King's Throne, Gladebound Keep
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Snowshoes, Peak dwellers, Stone carvers, Sea bloods
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization

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