Support Cathedris in Cathedris | World Anvil

Cathedris Themesong

Support Cathedris

Your support means everything <3

The Cathedris introduction + development zine has been released! It's out now as a free or pay-what-you-want download over on, and you can find it...   ! RIGHT HERE !   Let me know what you think!
— Current news

If it wasn't for World Anvil, if it wasn't for readers like you, Cathedris wouldn't exist. So thank you, thank you so much for taking part in this journey!   If for some reason you're in the mood for even more support, or you're simply curious about all those [Patrons Click Here for bonus information] buttons across the world, below you'll find a few options for how you can support Stormbril and his journey through creating Cathedris!
here for bonus info


Quick Forms of Support

Join my Discord!
Follow me on Twitch!
Buy some neat merch!
Buy me a quick Ko-fi!
Follow me on Twitter!
Follow my WA Profile!

Joining my Patreon is an incredible form of support, and it's by no means necessary or asked of anyone, but at the same time it makes me unbelievably happy to see when people join it. Coming from a non-writing background, to have Patrons, it's not something I'd have ever expected to see <3   There's a few levels of my Patreon that you can jump in at -- all of them will give you access to bonus content across all my articles, as well as a specific subscriber and Discord role that will give you access to more things! At higher levels, you can get to view my WIP articles, Q+A channels, or even free line-art colouring pictures! :D

Patreon Reward Tiers



"The fundamental reason Cathedrans fear the dark."
At a base, you get:
  • Love and Support
  • Patron-only newsletter/Discord role
  • Exclusive in-article bonus patron info
  • Legion

    "Our many beating hearts beat as one, for all of Cathedris."
    All previous rewards, plus:
  • Patron-only Q&As
  • Work-in-progress updates (Art)
  • 10% Discount on CSS Addons store
  • God-husks

    "They existed as gods for eons. And then they died. Still, they walk."
    All previous rewards, plus:
  • Access to Article drafts and WIPs
  • Line-art Colouring Picture
  • 10% 25% Discount on CSS Addons store

    But wait, there's more

    Heartfelt Thanks

      I wouldn't be writing and creating if it weren't for all of you. To everyone that has read my work, left a like, left a comment -- thank you, thank you so much! It means the world to me. It gives me creative fire to help fuel further creations. To those that go above and beyond, to all that are always there to support and brainstorm and lift each other up, thank you so much for everything you do, and keep creating, keep being amazing <3   I would like to extend an extra thank you to all those who have been so kind and generous to have joined my Patreon! In no particular order, thank you to these lovely beans:    

    A randomly selected testimonial from lovely people -- seriously, thank you, thank you so much <3

    Cathedris is a dark, imaginative world full of horror, mysteries, and concepts that are (literally) larger than life. Fans of horror, dark fantasy, and alternative versions of steampunk (Cathedris is what I would call 'ichorpunk') will find much to enjoy in its many articles, stories, and art.


    Bonus Thanks

    I need to attribute special thanks to a group of people below as well! Click the image spoiler below to view them all <3
    Special thanks to:   My friends for supporting this wild project. Qurilion, for being an amazing inspirational human who improves everything he touches. DaniAdventures for uplifting, helping determine, and cheering on all my goals. Serukis, SolarCat, Nnie, Time pool, Tj and Dylonishere for endless inspiration in both content and CSS styling, as well as amazing brainstorming. My Lodge family for always being there and always being amazing, and I'm sorry I couldn't list everyone D:. My partner for always listening to me ramble and being excited for me. My family for being supportive and excited by my triumphs. My Pathfinder players for accepting the abandonment of my campaign due to being stolen by WorldAnvil and Cathedris, lol.


    Author's Notes

    It's been said many times in this article, but it bears repeating once more: thank you so much for all of your support, to everyone <3   If you'd like to add a "testimonial" to this article, let me know, or comment it below! I'll add it to the random pool of other testimonials :D

    Please Login in order to comment!
    Sep 14, 2022 16:35 by R. Dylon Elder

    :,) Thanks for the kind words, my friend. The feeling is mutual as you're just as inspiring.

    Sep 14, 2022 16:57 by Stormbril

    Thanks so much, Dylon <3   It's an infininspirational loop! Inspiration all around xD

    Sep 16, 2022 00:19 by Demonwolf

    I really love what you've accomplished in this world, you and your team. I especially love how integral the god-husks are too. If I had the money I definitely would join your Patreon. Keep it up!

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