501st Regiment, Juris Advocate Division "Meritocracy's fist"

"Juris Advocate Director."

"Juris Advocate Command Chief." He was formal, that was ok, it was their first meeting under these new circumstances. Their first meeting since their respective promotions, and the first time Leo had made a mistake... "That's Joint-Juris Director, Leo. It's active in date of today."

"Haha, terribly sorry sir... I got my dates wrong."

"I've always wondered at the name of your unit, Leo..."

"Came with the motto, sir. We got the Whiskey-Admiral through to Thallax City, through a pair of defending midsized ships, using only a squadron of VIP shuttles, four aerospace fighters, and some suits."

"And how many of the unit survived that?"

"Four sir."

"Four? But you're a regiment!" He thundered.

"A midsize ship's complement is two thirds of a marine regiment's in size, Sir. Anytime you fight four to three odds and do the mission, you're doing quite good sir."

"Let alone without equipment. Those midsized carry more than a squadron each, don't they?"

"Sixteen, each. Well, until one of our aerospace fighters parked a Neutron Pulsar missile inside the engine of one of the midsized. I'm pretty sure the remaining couldn't carry all the fighters by itself."

"Meritocracy's fist, indeed. What's my schedule like for today?"

"I'm not your secretary or batman sir."

"No, you're my security officer, if you haven't vetted my meetings already, I could have you charged..."

"Oh, yeah I did that... Sorry Sir. Only the Solars today, Sir."

"Just them? And what's your opinion of them?"

"I've known Rachel since her decant, Sir. She's trouble."

"How's that? You just told me they were Solar..."

"The previous Ambassador had a daughter, vat-grown, with his Terran wife. She was raised here until she was five, then taken back to Terra, to join her father in his new duties. During her studies she met and married an up an coming officer of their Space Navy, one Adian Stammler. He's the new ambassador."

"And she's 'coming with', I presume?"

"Whatever Adian Stammler can do, telling Rachel Wraith to 'stay put' is beyond the realm of the possible sir."

"When are they here?"

"They're expected shortly, but yet not within our perimeter Sir." He stopped himself. "Gunny!"


"Our guests have arrived, Whiskey-Admiral."

"Joint-Juris, now, please EllTee."

"Sir, yes Sir!"

"Whiskey-Admiral? They still have that outdated title?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I need to find someone to fill it, now that I moved up... Rachel Wraith, I presume?"

"Rachel Wraith Peacered 50af27af-1f64-410d-ab91-c71f6e7ab30a, Admiral-Sir."

"Ambassador Adian Stammler, Sir."

"Pleased to meet you both, I'm to understand we'll be traveling together."

"Yes Sir, thank you for accompanying us."

"Oh, I need to familiarize myself with my new responsabilities, I've just asked Leo to keep us together so he can keep us all safe more effectively."

"The fist, sir?"

"I see you have in-depth knowledge of us... Attaché Wraith?"

"For the moment, I made the brigadier list, back home, at least."

"Hmm, and a brigadier is...?"

"One-star, or Five-brand equivalent, Sir."

"A flag rank?"

"Adian will have to adapt to the disappointment of no longer outranking me..."

"I'm not disappointed, I'll be disappointed when you're assigned away though..."

"Hmmph, you're right, that's the one weakness in my clever plan... I won't have my sweet baboo with me. Still with the fist, Leo?"

"I'm still senior NCO there, Rache, although give a few years and Gunny here will catch up..."

"Still the same Leo."

"In what way Rache?"

"Still think you're better than everyone..."

"That's a condition of entry in the fist, I'm afraid. If you're not the best, you stay with the rest."

None can stop us

Military, Special Operations Force


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