
"Careful, Adian, that's a Boltster..."

"Huh, ok Rache, what's so dangerous about that?" He was

"Well if that Orcagar don't wise up, you'll see in a second." The orcagar in question, bearing the black and white colouring of an Orca, in perhaps half the size, was a fearsome opponent, Adian had seen them eat a Tuna weighting almost a ton in three bites.

"Any second now." As predicted, the Orcagar, a juvenile, despite its colossal size, tried to seize the diminutive shell, in its jaw, and fell over, stunned. A family group of barracudas, five strong attacked the helpless Orcagar and tore it to shreds, some of which fell off to the sea floor and fed hermit crabs there.


"It's like electric eels back on your home. They shock you."

— Taken from Adian and Rachel's scuba gear holiday on Thallax recording, 2365.

Basic Information


Similar to the Terran Oyster, a Boltster is a midsized bivalve mollusc. What makes it unique are its Bavarii's organelles, located on the outer edges of its body, and used as part of its shell's construction, the current pulses attracting minerals to speed up the building of the shell, and causing the organ's spikes to pierce it.

Growth Rate & Stages

It grows out all through its life, leaving shells with holes driven through the rims. Those are often adopted by hermit crabs, and smaller passengers of the hermit crabs often fill the holes.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Possessed of electrolocation as well as an acute sense of hearing and smell, a Boltster can track its prey: krill and other plankton to short distances. Its sense of smell lets it detect longer range concentrations of prey, as well as some potential predators, but it is not known to flee from a confrontation, it's 980 volt current capable of incapacitating all but the largest of predators.


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