Clone Degenerative MCU-receptor clogging syndrome

CD-M-CURL, as it's commonly known, is a genetic degenerescence. But it only affects 'truely expressed' clones, which is a term of art used by the gene wardens, but for the sake of our discussion, it can be summed as 'someone famous enough their genes are on-file for the use of the gene wardens'.

It terrifies me that I'm potentially one of those, and therefore, a potential victim, of CD-M-CURL. But my late mother was a truly expressed clone of Peacered 50af27af-1f64-410d-ab91-c71f6e7ab30a, and while therefore a potential victim, my status is not so clearly defined. One specific aspect of the syndrome that's baffled researchers since the discovery of the syndrome is it's ability to flip the gender expression of the affected person.

It's been known to do this far enough along in a clone or genemix's life that they counted as transgender. I would hate to have my body switch on me that late... Mind you, any change that late in life would have thrown me for a loop, I was never that flexible.

At any rate, the cutesy acronym has curl in the name because some of the gene wardens thought the chromosome 'twisted' in some way. It's now known the mechanism of action is much more complex than that, but through what can be oversimplified as 'flexing' the genes over thousands of repetitions over time, they can become oxidized, and damaged. Afflicted individuals can suffer organ failure, are at higher risk of cancer and other radiation-sensitive conditions, and suffer poorer quality of life as a result.

Travels in Solar and Terran lands, a hybrid's view. by Rachel Wraith, Threshold Press, Benelux City, 2347.


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