Clove Grant ca29dcc1-3802-4792-b4ab-8312a6d901ee

"Hey, what's the matter?"

"Oh, don't mind me, I'm just having a bit of the blues..."

"Well, look at you! Having the blues on a day where you're promoted!"

"You know that's just administrative..."

"Silly girl, being made a Charge D'affaires is hardly uninteresting! You're now first in line unless the people who hobnob with the red queen on a regular basis are around! And they don't call the next rank over Minister just because they like them! It's an actual ministerial-level rank! You get to call on the secretary of state by their intimate name!"

"Don't mind me, I'm just having a low-energy day!"

"What's with that phoenix logo on your uniform anyways?"

"Oh, charge d'affaires are temporary employees, we're afforded the phoenix to mean we're ever-renewing...

"You're not fooling me, you're nervous, oh!"

"What? What?"

"Aren't ambassadors allowed to get Pineal Ampuls and all that? You won't grow old like us plebes do anymore!"

"Noy Jitat!" The coarse, ancient curse word rang over the mess hall, few paid any attention...

"Envoy-technician Clove Grant 01ee?"

"Yes Sir, Proctor Sir!"

"Oh, you didn't know? I've been promoted to dean, I've not been proctor since you graduated..."

"Oh, sorry Sir, guess we all have to change..." Her voice dipped, obviously, this was of some concern to her.

"Oh, we all change, that's how we know we're still alive..."

"I hate the truth of that statement with all my being, I wish for improving without change."

"There's no such thing, naive child, to not change is to die, to not live. And you cannot improve but by living, haven't you heard anything I tried to teach?"

"Seems I missed out the philosophy, even as I learned the maths and sciences."

"Be that as it may, I'm not here for either. You've been summoned."

"Where? By who?"

"The top of the clock tower, of your old campus, come alone, and let none know of your going."

"Am I to die?"

"Those you will meet make that choice, but I don't think they selected you to die this early."

Live in tune-town, Adidas Grant, Thallaxad Press, Thallaxad City, Thallax, 2301.


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