Marjorie Anantze-Gallant

"I really appreciate my new bailiff-colonel." I mentioned to my new batman, err, batperson they're called, really, but it took a long time to change that informal term.   "You're the only one, he's a colossal pain in the starways. Sir!"   "What did I tell you about underlings, Advocate Kallie?"   "That they're not supposed to help you relax?"   "I did say that, but I meant: 'If your surround yourself with people who think like you, you'll never notice your own mistakes.' He's already brought two mistakes to my attention as per the legal argument we were putting forth for that treaty..."   "I thought he hated to think subtly?"   "Yeah, then I started disapproving of him wearing that armor..."   "What'd that do?"   "it got him looking for loopholes..."   "And then?"   "You know, that silly game you play?"   "World of Battleartisans?"   ""Yes."   "What about it?"   "You told me that in the game, you need to unlock your talents as you play?"   "Yes... I fail to see.."   "I unlocked my bailiff's loophole mode..."   "Oh... I should have known..."   "What about, junior advocate?"   "He is kinda cute isn't he? I mean, those shoulders..."   "He's a junior officer, junior advocate Kallie." I said, trying not to raise my voice, and my cheeks were so red, I felt like I was radiating like a neutron star. She wasn't wrong though, for a younger man, he was well put together, especially if you like them tall.   "He's a full-bird though? Certainly he'll end up on the general list at some point?"   "He's a one-star, actually, in a colonel's billet because I called in favors..."


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