Taran Guards

"Here, in the Sagittar's red claw, few units are as honored as the Taran guards, or Wychlaran. Guarding the Red Queen and the Gene-Wardens, their word is law."

"Those that know of the Red Cabal know they also help investigate any crime brought before the cabal, and punish and wrongdoers so identified."

"Those of a more suspicious bent wonder who, if not the leaders of the Guards, are part of the Cabal."

"Those with imagination are more curious about who else is on the Cabal, and what they had to do to give orders to these stone-cold killers... The answers have scared a few of those with too much imagination, but perhaps, that just proves they had... enough."

"Or the the Betrayed Queen just likes whoever was left."



  • 60 colour troops
  • 120 logistical train
  • 30 legal and paralegal
  • 60 investigators and their technical support
  • Equipment

    The handheld Taran pistol has a strange holster helping to come to action from a dead stop faster. Its stopping power is however impressive, packing half a powdercharge more than comparable pistols.


    1. 10 Sword class exoframes
    2. 10 carbine class exoframes
    3. 2 assault class gunboats
    4. 6 VIP transit orbiters
    5. 4 armored aircars


    3 five man groups under a corporal 2 five man groups under a lieutenant, who is senior to a specific corporal and his five man group 1 four man group under a color Sargent major, senior to the remaining corporal, but as senior NCO keeps the unit running as the xo of the unit's 1 captain


    As elite bodyguard unit, the Taran guards prefer to use misdirection and threat of overwhelming force to protect their charges. When that doesn't work, they're comfortable removing the threat part, having exoframes comparable to a unit ten times their size, gunshop embedded in the unit, snd yhe ability to requisition support up to and including orbital strikes.
    Overall training Level
    Assumed Veterancy
    Ranks & Titles


    Please Login in order to comment!
    Aug 11, 2024 13:54 by Marjorie Ariel

    I like the description of preferring misdirection and overwhelming force, but "being comfortable with removing the threat."

    Aug 12, 2024 16:47

    Thank you

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