Terran Meritocracy Clones - species

Active gene expression is very important, but so are the minute, random variations among clones. We do not clone 100% accurate to the source, indeed, even if we tried, we could not, not at this stage of development of the technology, but we get close enough to have interesting events happening in that first mitosis after fertilisation.

The small variations then, affected, sometimes, by passing through the Red's Pulser field, or other high energy fields, involve some small variations from the source genetic material, and generate good-enough copies that are vetted for genetic defects, then brought to maturity in our vast vat-complexes.

The small variations, in a large enough population, allow us to generate 'positive' mutations, and the goal is to generate radiation resistant strains of Homo Sapiens Sapiens Stellaris.

When I say 'source material' then, then comes the hard part, the contested part. Currently accepted vat-influx source material are in-vivo fertilized ova of a pair of clone donors. For a sufficiently broad definition of species(i.e. each clone is its own species) that means each clone is a hybrid of both donors, but the sexual reproduction means this process is not exact. Or I should say, each clone is an individual, flash-programmed to specifications written deep in the Gene-labs of the Meritocracy.

The mitosis and its relationship to gene-variants in clone-genomes, Robert Oslosson, Methallax Press, Methallax, 3335.

All points bulletin:

  • Be on the lookout for:
  • Robert Oslosson 216ce2b4-0c47-4b9b-bb18-71be08a8303c, 29yo
  • — Arrest warrant for Robert Oslosson issued on Genebase Prime by Robert Oslosson 9eb11b39-97bc-4c42-93d6-e41f68afe046, 3335.
    Genetic Ancestor(s)
    Scientific Name
    Homo Sapiens Sapiens Stellaris ClonelineName
    Homo Sapiens Sapiens Stellaris
    Geographic Distribution


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