The Rules of the Canaille
“We are given Dominion over the line of Seth, third son of Adam, as he is our youngest Brother, we will watch over his Children as if they were our own, we will show them the right way, and in return, they will serve us all of their days.
They will serve us while the Sun rides the sky, and watch over our houses, with quenching water, against Michael’s Fire.
They will feed us, and provide us with clothes,
They will dance for us, and provide us with song,
They will lay with us, and provide us with comfort,
They will advise us, and we will listen to their advice.
They will worship us, and we must not allow their worship.
Thou shalt not become as a God to the Children of Seth, for the One Above, growing jealous in his sky, will strike down the line of Caine forever.
Remember gentle-faced Ashtareth,
Remember golden-fat Baal,
Remember strong Tammauz,
Know thou that the Children of Seth will rise up with weapons from the One Above, and conquer us, should we be as Gods to them.
Thou shalt guide the Children of Seth as a shepherd guides his flock, and cull them as they are needed.
Thou shalt cleanse their blood, and keep all of them free from disease."
Journal, Personal
Signatories (Characters)