Wulfgar the Reaver
The warrior Wulfgar has an important role in one of the key scenes of Beowulf. As herald to the Danish king, Hrothgar, he has to be ready to handle anything -- a bit like combining the duties of a restaurant host and a security guard. He appears fairly early on in the medieval epic: Beowulf and his companions have recently come ashore in Denmark, and have just arrived at Heorot, the stronghold of the Danish king.
Heorot is often described as a mead hall, but it's not just for drinking and feasting. It's a vast building, used as a diplomatic headquarters, a place to administer justice, plan battle, hold entertainments ... and to drink and feast! Picture something like the hall of Theoden in The Two Towers.
Wulfgar's role is a pivotal one. It's a big job to have the role of screening visitors. Beowulf and his companions -- the largest group Wulfgar has ever seen! -- pose a potential threat. Wulfgar has to be a diplomat, ready to ward off danger or welcome a deputation. Beowulf shows that Wulfgar does not merely relay information to his king; he also gives counsel.
Although Wulfgar has what might be called a bit part, he's pretty awesome. In addition to being a herald and officer for King Hrothgar, he's a chief of his people, the Wendels. His presence at Heorot demonstrates Hrothgar's power. His role in welcoming Beowulf to Heorot marks a key event in the poem.
Beowulf tells us a good bit about Wulfgar in a small space. Analyzing his character is a good exercise in how to read Beowulf as a whole. Rather than asking ''Why is this messenger being described, and when is the plot going to continue?'' ask what the portrayal of Wulfgar tells us about the values of the societies portrayed in the poem.
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