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Talopi Xonod (Tall-opee Show-node)


The Talopi Xonod was controlled by a Senate, made up of 121 elected officials. There are three parties, though they are all in a single coalition. A single, non-partisan member is the Curator of the Senate, who is also the Head of State and Government.  
Curator of the Senate
The Curator is the Head of State and Government for the Talopi Xonod. They are elected for life from among the Senators current seated at the time of the death of the previous Curator. They are charged with guiding the nation, opening and closing meetings of the senate, introducing bills written by senators and maintaining order in the chamber.   They have the ability to veto any vote, though the senate can override their veto with a 90% majority. In times of war, the veto majority rises to 94%.  
Talopi Taxpayer League
The first and largest party in the Talopi Xonod Senate. It averaged around 75 senators, and focuses on "representing the taxpayers of Talopi Xonod and their best intrests", though they mostly serve the Curator and provide him with a majority votes to start.  
The Community Party
The second largest party averaging around 40 senators, The Community Party almost always backs the TTL in senate debates. However, they will be more likely to bring forward bills to the Curator based on the needs and suggestions of their constituents.  
Social Reformation Party
The SRP exists solely to create the illusion of opposition in the senate. The 5 senators do try to create change, but their bills rarely see the senate floor.  


After the ceasefire, the SRP became the dominant party and introduced a new constitution. It erased the TTL, striped the Curator of most powers, and allowed for the creation of a new party.  
Peace Between Colonies Party
The PBCP advocates for further peace talks between Talopi Xonod and the Free Colonies of Tiann, with the end goal of uniting all the Tianni colonies under one flag.


Talopi Xonod

The Talopi wish to unite all of Tiann under their flag, regardless of cost. The first annexed homesteads and smaller communities through bribes, threats and minor usage of force until the Tianni Civil War broke out. They believed their "new subrace" was superior to all others.

Demography and Population

255 Million


Talopi Xonod had a standing army 5.5 million strong.
Founding Date
3052 (Colony), 10.13.2845 (Independence Day)
Geopolitical, Country
Formation Type
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Notable Members
Related Species

At War (2841-2834), Ceasefire (2834-present)

The two sides are at an uneasy peace after the Tianni Civil War, with the Peace Between Colonies Party of the Xonod Senate working to unite all colonies under one banner.

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