
This is a Summer Camp article written AT GREAT SPEED! It has not yet been edited, so apologies for the copious typos and small text issues.

"He's a bit of a godbotherer, old Gerald," Dora went on, "but then we loved having those types around whenever there was trouble in The Business, didn't we?"
"You were in The Business?" Iris asked, examining the purple-eyed gnome with newfound respect. From the outside, people called them Adventurers. But everyone in The Business knew what The Business was, and what to call it.
"Most everyone here was, one way or another," Dora said. "And watch out - some of them'll talk your ear off about the glory days."
"Ron," said Burtha immediately, suppressing a smirk.
— Exerpt from "The Last Adventure"
  Coming from any background, from any walk of life, and from any species, what unites Adventurers is their profession and culture, and their drive for adventure. Among outsiders they are known by turns as trouble, or as heroes. But always, they are larger than the mundane world around them, and drama seems attracted by their very presence.


Shared customary codes and values

  • Your rep is the most powerful thing you've got. Screw people over at your peril.
  • If the job's fair, you see it through, whatever happens. If the job's bent, you can cut your losses, but you'd best let the world know, or your reputation will follow you.
  • While you're on a job together, you're closer than blood. Once the job's done, all bets are off.
  • Campsite's sacred ground. Tavern's fair-game.
  • Common Etiquette rules

    The Business

    "If someone introduces themselves as An Adventurer, you'll know they're either an imposter, or greener than green. Either way, steer clear."

    Those who work as adventurers refer to themselves as "in the Business". Curiously, they never call themselves Businessmen, however.  

    Campsite Treaties

    While you're travelling on a road, you'll often come across camping adventurers. Common etiquette dictates that parties that meet after dark invite one another to camp together. This allows shorter watch shifts, more varied provisions for everyone, and usually, some good gossip and stories swapped soon.

      Campsites are considered havens, hallowed ground, and non-hostile even among the worst of enemies. Anyone who violates this trust, by starting a brawl or harming their fellow adventurers, loses their rep indefinitely. Untrusted adventurers will struggle to join a party, and subsequently, will usually be forced to take on small jobs alone. No one wants to bunk with someone who'll stab you in the back, after all.  

    Taverns are Fair Game

    Taverns, on the other hand, are where adventurers go to party, once the job is done. And for many, that means too much drink, a lot of boasting, and predictably, a tavern brawl or two. Some of the most famous adventurers are well known in The Business not for the jobs they've undertaken, but for their brawl-tales, which make for amusing stories around the fire of an evening.


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    Aug 5, 2024 08:58 by Rashkavar

    Such a great take on this prompt! So many tabletop settings make adventurers a part of the broader world, beyond just the players' party, and yet I rarely see any sort of effort put into defining them more broadly like this.   Greatly enjoyed some of the specifics you went into; the detail of adventurers typically saying they're "in the business" feels very real, for example.