AMViSI: the Anti Monster & Villain Squatting Initiative

This is a Summer Camp article written AT GREAT SPEED! It has not yet been edited, so apologies for the copious typos and small text issues.

...We make these provisions and changes, that no citizen of the glorious city state of Laudon should be subjected to peril, whether from monster, bandit, or other supernatural forces.
— Excerpt from the AMViSI Provision
  The AMViSI Provision (pronounced "am-VEE-see"), an acronym standing for "the Anti Monster & Villain Squatting Initiative", is a series of protective measures to prevent the establishment of monsters, bandits and other dangers within the inhabited areas of the City State of Laudon. These provisions particularly focus on property management, the prevention of abandoned properties that could give opportunity to bandits, and to the patrol of remote areas that may become breeding grounds for monstrous species.

These laws, first passed fifty years ago, are the first of their kind in the known world, and involve and close working relationship between the state government and the Guild of Adventurers. They have also brought many adventurers to the region, as the laws provide opportunities and stable work for those in The Business.

As an additional bonus, the initiative has made abandoned properties accessible and easy to come by. This has made housing more affordable, and has also seen a boom in small businesses and cottage enterprises.  

The Abandoned Buildings proceedings of the AMViSI

  • All buildings left abandoned for a period of two (2) years will be siezed by the state, with limited recompense made to any extant owners with proof of interest in the property.
  • All buildings siezed by the state shall be fully examined, traps removed, wards dispelled, and dangerous magical items sanitized. Any other extant properties shall revert to the extant owner if available, or else to the new owner, or else to the state if no new owner is deemed appropriate.
  • All abandoned buildings held by the state shall be let, used, repurposed, or demolished within a period of two (2) years following recipience. Small businesses may apply for government grants or loans to secure the properties for the first five (5) years of their activities.
  • Estates, Forests and Wildernesses

  • All properties controlling large estates, grounds, forests, or wilderness areas, must employ a unit of rangers. This unit should regularly patrol the forest for signs of nefarious humanoid inhabitiation, including but not limited to bandits, theives, ruffians, necromancers, vampires and ghouls. In addition, this unit must patrol for signs of unusual animal or monstrous activity, including but not limited to footprints, scat, burrows, bloodstains, features, fur and corpses.

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