Cult of Sulla

This is a Summer Camp article written AT GREAT SPEED! It has not yet been edited, so apologies for the copious typos and small text issues.


  The Cult of Sulla is the religion focussed around Sulla - Goddess of Light, Dawn and Healing. The main aim of the organization is to spread the healing light of Sulla, and do good in communities of humanoids.


While some gods have more strict and organized religions, Sulla's cult is barely heriarchised. Enclaves of Sulla, which train priests and even Paladins, are relatively common. But each views the other as sister organizations, and what passes in one may or may not be permitted elsewhere. This has lead the different styles of worshop of Sulla to become somewhat fragmented.


Sulla's daily worship is primarily focussed on the sun. As such, priests and devotees of Sulla show their deference by greeting the sun each dawn. The most devout do this every day, regardless of the weather, while the less devout may only perform the ritual once a week.
Different sects of Sulla greet the sun differently - some with singing, others in silence, some naked, or wearing special robes or burning incense.

  Another primary mode of worship is through healing those around them.

Granted Divine Powers

While some priests of Sulla are granted divine powers by their god, others are community leaders with no magical skill at all. Those who preach the word of Sulla are knowledgeable medics, regardless of their magical ability.

For those blessed with divine powers, their effects vary. Some are gifted with supernatural healing abilites that work only on themselves, while others have their ability to heal their compatriots but not themselves. It is considered a great gift, and also a divine destiny, when supernatural powers are bestowed.

Divine powers may appear as early as ten years of age, although mid-teens is more usual. In those who come to the worship of Sulla later in life, powers may or may not manifest, and have been known to do so even in the last years of a devout priest's life. Sometimes - but not always - additional powers may manifest in times of great need.

Religious, Cult


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