Iris Newnam

Yes, most of this article is a spoiler! It was writter for Summer Camp and has not yet been edited, so apologies for the copious typos and small text issues.

"Forgive me for being direct, but I believe we've met before. Up in King's Watch? Must have been, what, ten years ago, now." Iris raised an eyebrow in question. "As I recall, a captain fished you out the water and brought you back to the island, slashed to the bone."
  It came back to Iris in a wave. The betrayal, the plank overboard, the icy water closing above her head. Instinctively, she felt her throat close, and coughed. That was then. This is now, she reassured herself, concentrating on the knots of pine beneath her fingertips on the table top. This is now.
  "I remember coming-to," she began. "Covered in salt, in that fishy-smelling shack of a tavern. And - gods, that was you, wasn't it?" Iris realised. Those blue, blue eyes had watched over her as she slept fitfully, penetrating her fever dreams. That had been the beginning of the end, really, the moment she'd realised that she was slowing down. That age was catching up with her. "You patched me back up with your glowing light and sent me on my way. Didn't charge me a penny. You had more hair then, didn't you?"   "It was ten years ago," Gerald admitted with a self-effacing smile. 
— From The Last Adventure
Show spoiler
IRIS NEWNAM (68) - practical, cautious, witty
Daemkin (Tiefling): dark skin with a purple hue, golden cat-like eyes, back-curved horns. No tail, no hooves.
68 years old



  • witty, often simply for her own amusement. Sometimes sarcastic. Never unthinkingly cruel.
  • Doesn't like to faff about. When she's decided on something that's what she'll do.
  • Doesn't like physical contact - has to be pushed a bit into opening up and being friendly. She's naturally defensive, after a lifetime of being othered.
  • Craves connection, but doesn't know how to go about it.
  • Has a sweet tooth
  • Is unthinkingly kind to her friends
  • is kind to animals
  • Is constantly on the defensive: still thinks like a rogue, always armed, always checking the room for angles and tactics
  • Metamorphosis

    Iris has been through several metamorphoses in her life.
  • In her youth, she grew up on the wrong side of the law. Finally imprisoned, she worked as a consultant to a kind Sergeant of the force, giving her to opportunity to work off her debt to society. During this time, she came to see the impact her crimes must have had on others.
  • Finally free, Iris changed her ways and became an Adventurer for good. She did her best to live well and help others with her skill set.
  • Now, Iris is old. In fact, truth be told, she's been slowing down for the last ten years. Unable to face yet another metamorphosis, antoehr major life change and identiy change, she left retiring until the last possible minute, until her life was truly endangered by remaining an active adventurer. Now, The Last Adventure (novel) begins, she is starting her retirement.
  • RPG Class & Skill set

  • rogue
  • lock picks and daggers
  • Hobbies

  • cooking and baking
  • Demeanor and expressions

  • a bit stiff and stand-offish
  • doesn't like to be touched
  • defensive
  • Her goals and codes

  • successfully bake something
  • "retire", whatever that means.
  • be like the normal people in her retirement
  • their taboos

  • you don't wrong the party.
  • has an uneasy relationship with the law
  • Relationships

    Iris Newnam


    Towards Dora Willowand


    Dora Willowand


    Towards Iris Newnam


    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Pale human colored


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