Iris's Cottage

This is a Summer Camp article written AT GREAT SPEED! It has not yet been edited, so apologies for the copious typos and small text issues.

It was surprisingly roomy, with a sitting area around a simple iron stove that also heated the water, a small dining table, and a bedroom and bathroom. The kitchen had thick pine work tops, simple cupboards, and a cast iron cooking range. A basket of firewood nestled beside it.
The furniture was rustic, but sturdy and neatly built.
Apart from that, the cottage was cold and utterly empty.

"It's ur - nice. Very nice," Dora said, without much energy.
— Excerpt from "The Last Adventure"
  Behind the main building of the Silver Pines retirement village and beyond the springy Green, stands a smattering of perhaps twenty cottages stretching up the hill. All built in new, white pine wood, they stand out like snowdrops against the dark grass and trees of the forest. These cottages may be rented by the residents of the retirement village for an additional cost, and can even be customised according to their interests and tastes.

Each cottage is a one story log-cabin building, surrounded by a small garden. Inside, each has its own small bedroom and bathroom, and a living room area including a wood-burning stove. The stove is the only heating for the small house and heats the water for the bathroom, but also serves as a place to boil a kettle or heat up a simple meal. (For most meals, residents of Silver Pines may attend The Tavern

Iris's Cottage

When Iris arrived at Silver Pines retirement village she ordered "something with a kitchen". Charlie Halfhammer, the propritor, worked with his craftsmen to add a kitchen extension onto the small building. The kitchen is furnished with fitted cupboards and pine work tops, a cast iron stove and oven, and a large sink. For Iris, this is the heart of her cottage, the warm and cozy place she can finally experiment with her recipes.


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