Magic Rings

This is a Summer Camp article written AT GREAT SPEED! It has not yet been edited, so apologies for the copious typos and small text issues.

    [quote] "And get this, he has a way of going invisible," Iris said.
Dora shrugged, her eyes on the buffet line. "Could be any of a number of things. Those rings on his fingers are mildly magical."
"Really? If he has magical rings, can't he just sell them for the coin to stay here?"
"I mean, barely magical - like, they charge from background magical radiation. They might be good only once a day, or even once every few days - the kind of thing an acolyte makes. Barely worth a gold piece or two, especially used. Anyway, going invisible isn't good for you."
"How do you mean?'
"They say it washes you away, bit by bit. Magic like that has a cost, you know. Not just one in coins, or in mana, but one you pay with your body and mind. You can lose yourself, if you're not careful..." | Excerpt from "The Last Adventure" [quote]   Magic rings are enchanted items of jewellry, and come in many strengths and forms. The commonest, and most basic, are paltry pieces of magical craft, while the most powerful can summon beasts, open portals and change the world.

Usually common rings are worth only a few coins. They can be crafted by even apprentice mages, as long as they apply themselves for the requisite amount of time (usually a month, for beginners), and have the required materials. Creating rings is a common assignment for beginner mages, and so basic magical rings are very common in regions with a magical academy or university.

    Two comparible examples of the extreme ends of magical rings are given below.  

Tufi's Ring of Hide from Undead

This common brass ring is crude and without ornament, except for a small emerald stone set into it. It was created by a first year mage calle Tufi, and her name is engraved into the interior surface. It can only be used once a day, and must be worn for a week to properly attune to the wearer. Unattuned, it has only limited efficacy, and the wearer can still occasionally be detected by undead creatures.  

Legendary Ring of Hide from Undead

This gold and platinum ring is studded with diamonds, and engraved with arcane symbols. It was found in the ancient tomb of King Polonius Falstus of Yralia. Legend tells that it was created by the Legendary ancient magician Elfissia Marano, known for her ancient texts, although historians are unable to confirm this. The ring requires no attunement, and it also expels undead for the radius of a kilometre around the wearer.


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Aug 8, 2024 20:35 by George Sanders

Love learning world details in the writing "background magical radiation", magic has a cost, magic is common. This could be a hub page for rings, nice.

Read about the great items submitted for the Summer Camp Prompt I sponsored "A personal item that keeps you safe".
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