Moon Elves

This is a Summer Camp article written AT GREAT SPEED! It has not yet been edited, so apologies for the copious typos and small text issues.

Surviving for thousands of years in a grand subterranean Confederacy of States, the Moon Elf culture was one of sacred dances, of ritual, and intrigue. Sadly, following the collapse of the Underdark and the destruction of the now Lost Continent, little has survived of the original Moon Elf culture.  


Some theorise that Moon Elves once lived on the surface, and something encouraged them to descend to the underdark. Others beleive that the surface elves are an offshoot of the Moon Elves. Whichever came first, it is clear that Elves are a single species, despite the strong cultural and physical differences.  

A brief timeline of remembered history

For thousands of years - since time immemorial - Moon Elves dwelled underground in the great Underdark. Relationships with other species of the underdark varied during this time, between friendship, truce and all out war. Most details of this time are lost, as records did not survive the Underdark Collapse.

After the Underdark Collapse Moon Elves, as the other surviving species of the Underdark, became part of the Underdark Concord. They aided the over-grounders during the Battle of the Beasts and subsequently gained a place to build new homes on the surface.

Following the Grand Betrayal of the Ancient Empire (which itself was hastened by the outbreak of Moon Glow Fever, the Moon Elves were forced to flee the Northern Continent. Many fled to the South, others magically disguised themselves. The Underdark Concord crumbled and each of the underdark species was forced to fend for themselves.

Dance of the Bloom

"The Dance of the Bloom" is still performed each full moon by some Moon Elves, the steps passed down from parents to children in a coming of age ceremony called the "Passing of the Petals". According to the stories, this was the only time the Moon Elves came up to the surface world.


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Aug 8, 2024 19:25

I absolutely love this glimpse into the displaced souls of your world. It’s a rich foundation, full of potential for further development. Wonderfully done!