Rangers of Silver Pines

This is a Summer Camp article written AT GREAT SPEED! It has not yet been edited, so apologies for the copious typos and small text issues.


The dwarf was middle-aged, his skin tanned nutbrown from all his time in the sun. His hair grew in tufts on his scalp and face, like seagrass.
But perhaps the most surprising thing about him was the pouches. He was covered in layers of them, like ears of mushrooms growing from a tree trunk. The rough-sewn leather was surprisingly silent as he walked towards Iris and Burtha, rippling like leaves in harmony with his movements.
— From "The Last Adventure"

  The Rangers of Silver Pines are a unit of rangers hired by Charlie and Lottie Halfhammer, dedicated to protecting and maintaining the forest above Spring Pines.


The role of Forest Rangers

While their primary purpose is to tend and maintain the health of the forest ecosystem, the rangers are required by law for a more protective purpose. As part of the associated laws of the AMViSI: the Anti Monster & Villain Squatting Initiative, all large estates and grounds must employ a unit of rangers to guard against monsters, bandits and poachers attempting to use the forest grounds as a refuge. This activity involves patrolling the forest, and searching for signs of humanoid inhabitiation, such as unusual footprints, remains of food or fires, or signs of camping. As such an intimate knowledge of the area is required.


Numbers and Equipment

The unit always consists of at least two rangers, occasionally three if an apprentice has been stationed there. They are usually skilled hunters and bowers, and fletch their own arrows. As part of the perks of the position, the Rangers are permitted to hunt in the forest. Although they also have an open invitation to the Tavern restaurant within the main house of Silver Pines, they're rarely seen there.

Current Incumbants

Currently there are two rangers stationed in Silver Pines: Filibert Ironhewn (dwarf, ranger) and Ciara Quethlorian (half-elf, ranger).


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Aug 21, 2024 02:54 by Marjorie Ariel

I like that they essentially protect the forest in two different ways. Also, why am I not surprised that a group of rangers doesn't spend too much time in the tavern, even with the open invitation?