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Does being clanless make us less?
No, it makes us free!
  Not all Kindred vampires inherit the curse of one of the five clans when they are embraced. Often, those unable to manifest their bloodline's traits are discarded or destroyed by their sire or clan for being too weak. However, the Lost who do survive compensate for their lack of lineage and clan placement with flexible blood and the absence of a crippling bane. Whether they are proud or ashamed of their clanless nature, these vampires have no family and embody vampirism in its most basic and individualistic form.  


  Some Lost that were discarded by their sire manage to seek out another member of their clan or any clan forming bonds through deed and efforts. This gains them some semblance of family and a bit of belonging. This also affords a bit of clan protection however it is more like the clan is protecting their property or investment and not their blood family.  


  The most likely outcome for a vampire who survives both their sire and clan is to become a rogue in the night. This fate can be mitigated if a Lost vampire presents themselves to the prince and receives recognition by name. It is also common for a Lost to join a Covenant, leaning heavily on it as a pseudo-clan. Should they prove their worth and merit, the Covenant may present them as one of their own in place of a clan.   The Lost must follow the Tenets, which in reality means they must not speak out against or openly defy them. Depending on whether they have joined a Covenant, the Lost might get some leniency here. However, the Traditions are another matter, with punishment for infractions being swift and harsh. Without a sire or clan to assist with a Masquerade breach or to speak on their behalf, true death is the likely outcome. It is generally accepted that the Lost should not sire, though in reality this is hard to enforce and even harder to determine. The Traditions of Unmaking and Domain place the Lost at a significant disadvantage compared to clan vampires.  


  Since the Antediluvians created the five clans from their own unlife and the blessings of Vecna it can only stand to reason that the unspoken second generation was clanless. This concept is not popular since Vecna has decreed the second generation may not be spoken of.  
Does being clanless make us less?
No, it makes us the true blood of Vecna!
Also Known As
  • Lost
  • Bloodless
  • Clanless
  • Caitiff

  • Cover image: Clanless Banner Horava Vampires by WhiteWingedCrow


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