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Morath - Animal Ghoul

While it is common for vampires to gift their Trusted with their vitae, this is less so when it comes to animals. The unspoken understanding for vampires of the shadow war is that Trusted may speak with the tongue and soul of man, while ghouls have the souls of animals. This definition is fairly straightforward within the halls of a court but becomes more complex amidst a pack of Gangrel preparing for action. Gangrel tend to treat their animal ghouls as trusted and dare anyone to tell them otherwise.  

Taste of Decay

  When a vampire feeds an animal their blood, they not only give this animal a dark gift but also bind them to the cycle of decay and damnation of the vampire. These creatures, known as Morath, are touched by darkness, gaining a sliver of true power along with a bit of malice seeping into them. The vampire may impart increased strength, reflexes, or resilience to the Morath. Upon gaining the vampire's blood, the Morath no longer ages; however, if they are not fed regularly (at least monthly), they begin to deteriorate physically and mentally. The Morath can recover wounds at twice the speed of mortal creatures.  

Deeper Bonds

  Vampires with the power of Animalism can twist and blend the aspects of their ghoul, blood bond, and usefulness by focusing their abilities on their Morath, allowing them to become much like Trusted or soulbound to them. This makes Morath excellent scouts, messengers, and mounts.  

Birds of a Feather

  While most animals shy away from vampires or are at best neutral, a few sense the predator within them, realizing they are before a greater beast and must submit. Common animals used by vampires include bats, ravens, rats, and sometimes dogs or horses. Some vampires use wolves or bears, though this is incredibly dangerous if a shifter were to know or stumble upon them.

Cover image: Animal Ghoul by Graylion on MidHourneyAI 01


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