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Spirit Moon Fever

Spirit Moon Fever is a rare condition that only affect a limited few individuals.  


  It has been known to push the aggressiveness of its victims up anywhere from a mild change to berserker tendencies.  


  It is widely believed that this malady is cause by the fickle nature of the gods, the moans of the dead god aldalach from beyond the world, and most commonly some alignment or positioning of the two moons Luna and Rogue.  


  Cases of Spirit Moon Fever are only reported during a couple of periods in the year, however never the same pattern. Because of the very infrequent nature of this little information has been gained and it is only considered a minor item for most temples.    

Rumors & Secrets

  The actual truth is the ailment is cause by the third moon which casts a spiritual reflection or shadow across the world affecting or triggering anyone touched with traces of lycanthropy, known as wolf-blooded or feral-blooded. This has no affect on full lycanthropes.      
  Copy from Ptolus Book for reference   THE MOONS AND STARS   The world of Praemal has three moons, although most people only know about two of them. The largest moon, which appears bluish-white in the sky, is called Lunas. Much smaller, but far too large to be a star in the night sky, is Rogue. Rogue has a strange and erratic elliptical orbit and usually ranges much farther away from the world than Lunas. The third moon, Vallis, disappeared from orbit ten thousand years ago, although it was invisible even when it circled the world. Vallis is the moon of magic and a keystone of the world. Its disappearance changed the way that magic worked on Praemal, cementing the current systems in place. Should it ever return, things would certainly change again.  


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