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Torkath - War Ghoul

The creature was mind-numbingly awful, a multi-limbed hulk of flesh—seemingly comprised of multiple human and animal bodies fused together and weighing as much as a war horse. We had no name for it, and that did not really matter as it lashed out in a violent rage, tearing a fully armored warrior in half like a loaf of bread. It attacked anyone that got near it or wounded it, apparently driven by animal instincts.
  These grotesque creations, born from the unholy union of Night Doctor Profession with blood sorcery that specializes in fleshcrafting, serve as near-mindless bodyguards and servants to their vampiric masters. They are the embodiment of power and terror, crafted to rend and tear through the enemies of their masters. In the shadows of night, vampiric blood sorcerers perform dark rituals to transform Trusted mortals already imbued with vampire blood into War Ghouls. This transformation is no mere infusion of vampiric blood; it is an intricate and grotesque art of sorcerous fleshcrafting, designed to enhance combat prowess while instilling fear.  

Selection & Preparation

  Vampires normally reserve this "honor" for Trusted who have outlasted their purpose or fallen into disfavor through failure or disobedience. Mortals who have not been imbued with vampiric blood as a Trusted would never survive the ordeal of transformation. Even a Trusted has no guarantee of survival as the process can easily be too much for them. The Trusted are fed vampiric blood to the limit they can handle in preparation.  

Sorcery & Fleshcrafting

  Night Doctors, using their mastery over flesh, reshape the bodies of their subjects. Unnecessary fat is meticulously removed or relocated to protect vital organs. The entire skin is replaced with tougher materials, or layers of calluses are added, creating a hide that can resist blows. It is very common that other bodies are grafted into the War Ghoul, becoming part of it. While they appear to writhe, move, and even scream as separate entities, any animals or mortals subjected to this are lost, becoming extensions of the War Ghoul. Each War Ghoul emerges unique, a reflection of their creator’s twisted imagination and dark artistry.  

Arms & Armor

  Standard features, if such can be said among War Ghouls, include bone spikes and bone armored plates, designed to both protect and serve as weapons. Bones are hardened and extended to create protective armored ridges and even bone arm blades and spikes.  

Sensory Enhancement

  Sensory organs are often enhanced, making use of additional eyes from other creatures, granting heightened perception. However, this augmentation often drives the War Ghouls to madness or leaves them with crippling disabilities, further adding to their monstrous nature.  

Cost of Creativity

  The transformation into a War Ghoul is not without its costs. The process strips away the humanity of the subjects, leaving them as little more than monstrous extensions of their creators' will. The enhancements often come with severe mental and physical drawbacks. Insanity is a common fate, as the sensory enhancements overload the mind, while the physical deformities can leave them in constant pain. However, for the vampiric blood sorcerers, these drawbacks are inconsequential compared to the benefits. Each War Ghoul is a testament to their mastery over Blood Sorcery and fleshcrafting, a living weapon honed to perfection.  

Inhuman Strength

  On a scale of 1-10 with an average mortal being a 2, a blacksmith or peak athlete being a 4 or 5 the War Ghoul would be an 8.  

Natural Armor

  They have the equivalent of medium armor that imposes no mobility penalties.  


  While still technically mortal, War Ghouls will not tire from combat or strenuous activity.  


  Having lost their mind little will effect them or divert them. The are considered to have advantage or bonus against mind altering effect or supernatural influence. In fact when these effects fail the creature is very aware and drawn to end the source of it, seeing it as continues misery,  


  Any attempt at grappling a War Ghoul causes lacerations or puncture wounds from its armored spikes. Fumbles or botches near a War Ghoul easily lead to the same type of injuries.  

Bone Blades

  • Determined
  • Violent
  • Crush
  • Kill
  • Destroy

  • Cover image: Kindred Vampire Clan Lineup No Text by WhiteWingedCrow


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