Crevice History of Crevice Timeline
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History of Crevice

History as taught in Crevice.

Surface Era

Demon Era

This is the time before Crevice and the events that led up to the creation of Crevice.

  • Demon Wars
    The Demon Wars
    Military action

    Cynosure guides the country to seek out the demons and destroy them.

  • The Beginning of Darkness
    The Great Quake
    Disaster / Destruction

    An entire continent dropped into the earth, never to return to the surface.

Chaos Phase

Era of Chaos

A time of great turmoil and death. Starvation, disease, murder and greed were the qualities of this time. There was no calendar and no way to track time at all. Some historians estimate that it last almost 100 years some say it was closer to 300 years.   Once the initial shock of the collapse passed, there was a race for survival. Many would learn to band together and warlords would rule areas and ruins.

  • Faith in the Cynosure Renewed
    Faith Renewed
    Diplomatic action

    Crevice Begins with Faith

Phase of Blood

1275 2890

Begins with the Construction of the Beacon of Blood

  • 2805

    Birth of Pythinera Agerinigh
    Life, Birth

Age of Light

3588 3600

Corruption and Faith are tested

  • 3599

    Death of Pythinera Agerinigh
    Life, Death

    End of Light

Phase of Inspiration

4509 6188

Beacon of Mind is built.

  • 4981


    Serpentine Wars
    Military action

    A war with a serpentine race.

Phase of Spirit

8420 and beyond

Beacon of Soul is Built

  • 8421

    Diamond Quake
    Disaster / Destruction

    A recent quake that is considered the most powerful in recent history. It shook all of the Strata and thousands died.