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Able class frigate

an all-laser-armed Rupeean frigate designed to be flexible, survivable and difficult to counter in smaller fleet battles, but consequently lacking in strategic range and endurance. Ables are typically earmarked for customs and civil liason duties, due to being small enough to not waste the time of larger and more expensive warships or the more aggressively fielded destroyer hulls.


45x PL5x 'Vanguard' medium laser turrets, variable-wavelength and fully datalinked with PD net for responsiveness
72x PL1 'Sternguard' dual-purpose laser turrets, variable-wavelength pulsed-fire point defence weapons with respectable range and firepower


72x PL1 'Sternguard' dual-purpose laser turrets (as described above)
17x independent fire director/sensor turrets in Sternguard mounts and PD datalinks
2x 'Hardlight' holographic energy shield projectors, utilising pseudocaptured photonic energy to absorb lasers or disintegrate particles
Gravimetric Lattice Plating armour, heat-resistant ceramic armour containing particles of gravity-altering Cavorite in a peizoelectric matrix optimised for defeating kinetic weapons


Standard sensors - Passive and active broad-field EMdar optimised for infrared, microwave and radio wavelengths
Active sensors - 2x Phased graviresistometric samplers, monitoring gravity wells and mass shadow distortions with considerable accuracy at the cost of nearly no field of view)

Power generation and storage

3x Muon-initialised gravithermal fusion reactors with integrated capacitor banks and reserve power storage
Per-pylon auxiliary power storage for maintaining propulsion in high-demand environments or in the event of primary power failure


4 x Primary gravimetric motive units, mounted outboard in 120/100 m cantilever pylons (abreast and dorsal/ventral)
3 x Manoeuvring gravitmetric motive units, mounted outboard in 100 m cantilever pylons (abreast and ventral)
1 x Messenger-class Lwyd Rift drive, with 1x backup drive in outboard storage

Strengths and weaknesses

Excellent anti-missile and strikecraft interception firepower, on par with a light cruiser
Unusually compact for a Rupeean warship, with a power-hungry but potent acceleration curve. Reactionless drives offer omnidirectional 'thrust', and provides some of the most effective unpredictable evasive action in the known galaxy
Aft blind spot in weapons coverage due to size constraints of the engineering and comminications sections, leaving no room on stern-facing surfaces for a chase armament. Expected to be filled by fellow escorts while in service
Low endurance, typically needing fleet support to operate away from home base for prolonged periods

Other notable features

Shuttle landing plate and small control tower, stripped wholesale from the Borderer class of picket frigate - Less thoroughly trained or experienced shuttle pilots can aim for the pad, and then be picked up by agrav tractors for reliably safe landing. The tower also provides facilities for customs and civil liason duties, and can be armoured with GLP plating during combat engagements.

PL5x Vanguards use many directly interchangable parts with the PL1 point defence turret, allowing seamless compatibility with the fire direction network and supporting software of modern Rupeean point defence grids. Vanguards lack fine-tolerance accuracy, but can act as perfectly serviceable heavy PD turrets against larger targets such as fleet bombers or heavy drones, and provide much heavier firepower than expected for an interception weapon.

Ship names follow a by-letter flight system. Each distinct production run of Able frigates uses a different letter of the (English) alphabet, and every ship in that flight uses a ship name that starts with that letter. Later flights feature small, incremental advances no independently enough to warrant a new subclass, however the mst recent J flight is a significantly more efficient platform and a more comfortable billet than the original vessels.
(As with all Fennec ships, english is used in formal names and hull numbers to better aid foreign cooperation with the fledgling empire's navy, for the moment a higher priority and a faster route to prestige than cultural export would be. Ships have their own, common names in the native Rupeean Polar language and alphabet)

The sheer quantity of internal power lines, weapons hardware, maintenance spaces, etc has led to a shortage of internal stowage and cramped crew spaces. 22x external container mountings accounts for the stowage issues, but the expansive and ever-precious Rupeean oxygen gardens were among the first casualties for space reduction. This morale factor alone accounts for an embarrasingly large proportion of the class's reduced overall endurance.
by Victoria
Present in 65 active naval squadrons, plus various picket forces
350 m
Complement / Crew
126 (often operates with 98), 4 customs specialists
318 G (Test flank speed 352 G)


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