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Commonwealth Armed Forces

Branches of the military:   The Star Navy handles interplanetary and interstellar matters, operating space and star ships across their territory. They protect their planets, moons and cargo ships.   The Planetary Legions handle matters on planets and other celestial bodies, such as moons and asteroids.



Equipment design in the Commonwealth in the current era is of rather high quality. The focus is on quality of the thing in general, making sure that it’s good enough that the troops and sailors wouldn’t consider them as bags of garbage and as actually pretty great, although they likely wouldn’t focus so much on quality that you can’t produce any appreciable amount of them at all. Quantity is still a very great quality to have, too.


General purpose - see Commonwealth Technology




Planetary Combat is the battlefield of the Planetary Legions. Generally, one can expect to see land units rapidly advancing and striking with heavy firepower with air support doing what orbital strikes can’t without too much collateral. You can expect land units to have a focus on quality, with resilient, hard hitting, mobile units equipped with high quality gear. Even the heavy infantry is mobile, here.
One can also expect to see air units doing their own thing when assistance is not requested by the land units. Striking significant enemy targets, that sort of thing.   In Space Combat, you can often see high quality ships with significant firepower and resilience engaging an enemy at long range. Ships and fleets are equipped with a variety of different weapons systems allowing them to engage the enemy as they see fit, whether it be to deny them volumes and maneuvering or to generally just beat the snot out of them with no fancy tricks.
Something to note is that while in Space Combat, they do use ships on the offensive, their navy was also intended to be able to defend from the forces of any inbound invading forces. As ships can’t do this alone, several thousand defense stations were put in place throughout the three systems and some were allocated to the minor systems throughout the Commowealth’s reach.   Generally, the Rules of Engagement permit free usage of any and all weapons available against targets identified as belonging to the opposing force’s astro military. Engaging civilian targets not situated in cities making a significant contribution to the war effort of the opposing force, such as cargo ships is permitted. Large populations, however, require authorization from an individual with the appropriate, err, authority.
People say it’ll be a cold day in hell before the Astro Military starts engaging targets like that. However, sometimes, in extremely dire times, hell starts freezing over. Nobody likes doing it, but sometimes, in extremely dire times...   As to the topic of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (plus Cyber) Warfare, starting with an obvious one - the astro military is given free rein to use thermonuclear weapons on military targets in the volume of battle. Such devices are extremely destructive and ruinous and on military targets, and that’s the point, which is why they see common use. On civilian targets, their usage is relatively limited. Generally, mobile targets in space that directly contribute a significant amount to the enemy’s ability to fight are nuke targets, but larger populations such as in space habitats require authorization. As do large population targets on the ground, or targets near large population areas on the ground.
Bio and Chem weapons are… rather tricky. While they have the same rule as nukes, you’ll rarely find them being used, as they are… less deadly and slower than nuclear weapons at ground zero and generally don’t find favor among the astro military for that reason.. Although, if they want subtlety or to turn the battlefield into a gas filled environment, they can turn to chem and bioweapons.   Cyberwarfare is a… hell of a topic. While they don’t have any problems with using it against subsophont or military targets, they frown upon using it lethally against civilian targets, such as sophont aioids and uploads that don’t work with the astro military and just want to have fun. They consider them people too, after all.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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