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Variances on baseline humanity, often classified together and forming the bulk of the Tri-Star Commonwealth's population.     Bios
Those who modify their bodies mainly biologically, for example through the use of Genovials or other gene-editing technologies. While posthuman races such as Fennecs and Kitsunes technically classify as Bios, they are overwhelmingly treated as independant species.   Cyborgs
Those who not only modify their biological components, but also replace them with mechanical body parts. Sometimes the adoption of augmetic components are a necessity following physical injury or modification, but in the Comonwealth individuals often upgrade themselves voluntarily.   Uploads
Those who completely shed their use of a biological computing substrate and exist mainly in computers and robotic frames. Uploads have a lot in common with sapient AI constructs, but remain effectively human in their personalities and decision-making practices.   With the exception of the very first Uploads, all are functionally, emotionally and legally the same people as they were before they were first Uploaded, with no loss in mental faculties and no loss/alteration of memories. In fact, in most of the Commonwealth it is considered an unconscionable slur to call an Upload sub-sophont or a copy, and they hold their friends and allies abroad to the same standards.
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