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Night City Police Department

The Night City Police Department (NCPD) is the official, privately-owned law enforcement agency of Night City– the law enforcement this city needs and deserves. Now, they say the best way to know a city is through its police force. The NCPD is an underfunded, underequipped, understaffed organization where every officer puts their life on line each day. It's no surprise then that most badges in the NCPD have lost faith in their thankless jobs. An atmosphere of apathy and corruption pervades the department, while many officers on the street react with brutality and aggression due to the stress and nature of their work.

Nevertheless, some badges still wholeheartedly believe in defending ordinary citizens and making sure the urban jungle doesn't descend into complete chaos. For them a badge still means something in this city and a gun is still a tool to protect and serve. Run into one of these zealots and most gangoons will get on their knees, hands behind their head. Refuse, and they're almost certain to get a bullet.

Of course, like everywhere else, real power is held in the hands of corporations. The police force's official sponsor is NightCorp, but the NCPD is also beholden to the interests of Arasaka and Militech. Oftentimes, when official investigations get stonewalled, the NCPD will hire mercenaries on the sly to obtain evidence in areas under corporate jurisdiction that forbid any police presence.

None of that changes the fact that when people are in trouble, they call the NCPD, who arrive on the scene to protect and serve to the best of their abilities.
Type: Corporation
Field: Law enforcement
Slogan: "Protect and Serve"
Headquarters: Night City
Chief Officer: ...
Employees: 7,473


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