Lucas "Cell" Preston

Lucas Preston (a.k.a. Cell)

A young Trauma Team Medtech that works part time as he is in the process of finishing his studies in medicine. A sweet guy that wants to help all that he can, though is sometimes too scared to push on to the tasks end.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thin and underweight for someone who's 5 ft 9.

Body Features

Fair skin is covered in freckles, has a cybernetic left leg. Auburn hairs and brown eyes.

Facial Features

Soft features with cheeks peppered in freckles and remnants of baby fat.

Identifying Characteristics

Tries really hard not to be the center of attention. This ironically makes him stand more, in a world where people are dressed to impress and walk as if they owned the place.

Apparel & Accessories

Usually dons a Trauma Team jacket with simple slim fitted blue jeans and red neon suspenders. Has an old simple messenger bag in which he carries the stuff necessary for his classes at Night City University.

Specialized Equipment

A great Medtech, Lucas has potential to become an even greater Doctor of Medicine once he is done with his studies.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in 2024, as the 4th Corpo War was slowing down to an end, Lucas never knew Night City as anything else but the destroyed rubbles of the Corporate Center and the refugee camps in the once vibrant suburbs. For most of his life, he lived in the terrible conditions of the Cargo Container living arrangement in Rancho Coronado with his family. Both his parents were fairly successful Edgerunners and they got by fairly well, with food on the table most of the days. This didn't prevent the accident that made him lose his left leg, though. With his parents being away most of the time, he fell down from one of the Cargo Containers and broke his left leg really bad at the age of 12. It took a few days for them to come back and be able to do anything about it. In the end, the leg had to be amputated, a sad outcome.   He and his twin sister had the privilege of going to school when their parents started getting better and better jobs that came with their success. Eventually, this meant that Lucas got into Night City University through his parents grind for bucks, and various grants and bursaries that came with his promising skills in the world of medicine. Considering their lack of a car and the terrible public transit from Rancho Coronado to the University District, he and his sister decided to get themselves a small two-bedroom apartment in the district. Both took part-time jobs in order to get by, though it didn't leave much at the end of the month.   As time went by, Lucas found a part-time working for Trauma Team. The pay was better, though the job was much more dangerous than anything he had done before. If he played his cards right though, he could score a great job right when he got out of the NCU in a few years.   In the year 2043, his father died in a firefight as he was doing the dirty work of a random fixer. This deeply scarred him, making him much more afraid than he had once been of the Streets. Though he really wanted to help as many as he could, he couldn't forget the tragic way his father had passed away. He couldn't forget that death was just a few inches away. This made him too cautious at times, though it didn't matter much for Trauma Team at the time, since he was just a junior technician following the orders of the senior MedTech.   After that, he started seeing his sister less and less. She was spending most nights away from their shared apartment, doing who knows what. One thing's for certain, she always brought back plenty of eddies with which they could pay rent. Life was lonely and cold, and he couldn't easily make friends seeing how he was lower class and just had a timid nature from the get-go.   At least he found a good friend in Artyom Vladislavovich, a member of the Night City Soviets. Though he'd very much like him to leave behind that life of violence and danger. He doesn't want to keep losing those he cares for one after the other.   And who knows what Lord Death has in stock for him and his life companions.

Gender Identity

Cis Male




Currently studying at the NCU in medicine in order to become a doctor. He has quite a few years still to go, but he is showing great promise.


Works part-time for Trauma Team. The pay is very good, though not much is left at the end of the month (after paying for the apartment, the med books, uni fees, etc.)

Mental Trauma

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Intellectual Characteristics

He is quick when it comes to diagnosis and medical treatments. For everything else, he is doing ok if he studies enough.

Morality & Philosophy

He has a deep desire to help everyone that he can, though his fears and shyness sometime get in the way of all that.

Personality Characteristics


Wants to become a doctor so he can save people's lives, he wants to be able to save as many as he can.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

A rather shy person, he has trouble connecting with other people outside of his family. Doesn't do good in social situations.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Tea
  • Movies
  • Red sunrise/sunset
  • Dislikes:
  • Social gatherings
  • Raw fish
  • Guns
  • Virtues & Personality perks

    A very giving person, he'll do just about anything for those in his family and close circles.

    Personality Quirks

    Tries to hide himself in his jacket, will keep pulling on the sleeves and collar to hid himself.


    Contacts & Relations

    Affiliated with Trauma Team as a junior MedTech working for them part-time. Is also a student for the Night City University.

    Family Ties

    Sees his mother as often as he can, what with her job as an Edgrunner. He sees his twin sister when she drops by the apartment, though these instances are becoming few and far between these days. He thinks he still has a pretty good relationship with those two, though this is the source of much social anxiety when he thinks too much about it. Otherwise, he now has a pretty good friend in Artyom who'll often drop by unannounced with pizza and movies.

    Social Aptitude

    Very bad at communicating with others, will freeze and stumble upon words. Dislikes social gatherings and situations greatly and will only go at this kind of events if he is dragged by family or friends.

    Hobbies & Pets

    Enjoys the art of tea making following the ancient Chinese tradition. This was something that his father had shown him. He'd like to get a hold of better quality teas in the future.


    Lucas "Cell" Preston

    Twin Brother (Vital)

    Towards Laura Preston



    Laura Preston

    Twin Sister (Vital)

    Towards Lucas "Cell" Preston



    Toptunov Artyom "Trotsky" Vladislavovich

    Friend (Important)

    Towards Lucas "Cell" Preston



    Lucas "Cell" Preston

    Friend (Vital)

    Towards Toptunov Artyom "Trotsky" Vladislavovich




    In the early days of the year 2045, Artyom got into a fight in the War Zones of Night City. His gang, the Night City Soviets, were fighting against Arasaka goons that were passing there in the hope of retrieving vital intel. The scuffle didn't end well for either party involved. Artyom hid himself in a narrow alleyway, wounded and exhausted, hoping that he wouldn't be found out. Trauma Team was, after all, investigating the location in the hope of finding the Arasaka members that had subscriptions with them. With Arasaka members still present and ready to roll, this would mean the end for him.   A young Trauma Team MedTech, Lucas Preston, found him in the alleyway in a pool of his own blood. Artyom motioned for him not to say a word of the situation to the others, and Lucas complied. He whispered to Artyom that he would be back soon in order to help him. The young man concealed the revolutionary as best he could and went back to the rest of Trauma Team that were beginning to wrap up.   A few hours later, Lucas came back and brought Artyom to his apartment in order to help him. A fragile friendship began to bud as Lucas insisted Artyom remain in his home for at least a few days to recuperate. After all, he had lost quite a fair bit of blood as well as his left eye. Those days were the quietest, the most tranquil Artyom had ever been in his life. It was nice.   In the end, they exchanged contacts and became good friends. Artyom is trying to keep the Night City Soviets out of the equation for now, but who knows how long that will last.

    Nicknames & Petnames

    Lucas calls Artyom "Art". Artyom call Lucas "солнышко" (little sun), it's pronounced "SOLnyshkuh"

    Relationship Reasoning

    They both are able to find a certain calm and tranquility in their relationship. What with Artyom being part of one of the most violent gangs and Lucas working in Trauma Team, they both need to find the chance to slow down and think about other things.

    Commonalities & Shared Interests

    They both enjoy staying in, ordering pizza or cooking pancakes, and watching series. They also enjoy going to festivals and taking walks in quiet parts of town.   Both enjoy being in quiet, calm places and relaxing. They both also like exploring new places and discovering new kinds of food.

    Lucas "Cell" Preston

    acquaintance (Trivial)

    Towards Giuseppe Marino



    Giuseppe Marino


    Towards Lucas "Cell" Preston



    In 2045 Lucas was brought with Artyom to an old scrapyard. His friend was adamant that he needed to see the stuff the old man could make. Giuseppe is an odd man in his eyes, though he can craft pretty impressive things. It seems that Artyom holds much respect for the Italian, and that is enough for Lucas to trust him too.   They don't know much about each other, what with being acquaintances through Artyom.

    Shared Acquaintances

    Toptunov Artyom Vladislavovich

    Wealth & Financial state

    Has enough money to get by every month, with a little to spare. Things will probably be better once he's done with the NCU right? Right?

    A MedTech working part-time for Trauma Team as he finishes his studies in medicine at NCU. A nervous and shy individual that would rather not be in the limelight.

    Current Location
    University District
    View Character Profile
    Current Status
    Studying at the NCU
    Date of Birth
    March 7th, 2024
    Rancho Coronado, Night City
    Laura Preston (Twin Sister)
    Current Residence
    University DIstrict, Nigh City
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    5 ft 9
    115 lbs
    Known Languages
    Streetslang (english), French


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