Plat Character in Cytherea | World Anvil
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Plat (PLAT) is the god of learning and science in Cytherean mythology. Depicted as a white haired old bearded human in loose white robes, Plat is a benevolent deity who desires to educate mortals all across the world. Plat is often said to take a physical form on Cytherea and lead mortals to discover secrets that allow them to better life across the land. Plat differs from the other Cytherean god of knowledge, Gymsangar, in that while Plat seeks to use the knowledge gained to better the lives of mortals, Gymsangar seeks only to catalog.   The most common worshipers of Plat are educators and researchers, but any who seek to learn often have his name on their lips. Clerics of Plat often travel between kingdoms and realms, spreading knowledge and discoveries wherever they go.
Plat Holy Symbol
Holy Symbol
An open book

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