Cytherea World Timeline
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A record of the known history of Cytherea, since the end of the Enlightened Age of mortals. Uses the Cytherean Calendar.

Enlightened Era

The golden age before the current age of mortals, where each mortal wielded the power of gods.

  • 10000 EA
    Creation of the Mortal Races
    Religious event

    Estimated time when the Gods stepped in and created the forms of the mortal races of Cytherea.

Post-Fall Era

The modern era, after the collapse of the ascended world and the end of the Enlightened Age of mortals.

  • 1


    The Great Unrest
    Disaster / Destruction

    A period of unrest following the end of the Enlightened Era lasting nearly 200 years. Few historical records exist from this time.

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  • 1402


    Myr's Culling
    Plague / Epidemic

    A great plague sweeps all of Apterra, killing one in every three.

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