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Ithakill Hybrid

Ithakill hybrids can be dividied into two group: 1st gen and 2nd gen. 1st gen hybrids are a visual mix of their parents' species, and usually they are shunned by society, thinking they are cursed or that they are unnatural. Of course, both of these ideas are completely wrong, based on fear of the unknown. 2nd gen hybrids are...
Keir Shanan teaching about hybrids.

Ithakill hybrids are the descendents of a interspecies relationship. There are certain biological rules that limit from what species a hybrid may be born from, such as the way their parents breed, and that makes them steril (or not), but these rules also allow hybrids to be more powerful than their parents (which is a common motive of hybrids being born).

The parents's species

Hybrids are by definition born of two different species, but there are certain limits based on the parents' biology being their way of reproduction the main problem and limiting. The Ithakill can be divided into three groups, based on their reproductive system: aquatilis, dracolis, and terrelis. A hybrid must be descendant from two species from the same group, it cannot be from two different groups; for example, a elf and human hybrid is possible, but a dragon and human hybrid it is not. There are myths of magic rituals allowing to surpass this limit, but it is unknown if they are actually real or not.

Inherited characteristics

From the parents, a hybrid's lifespan, height, weight, and length is determinated, usually it is a middle point of their parents' but sometimes its lower. The power they are able to use is also determinated by their parents and also if they inherit a characteristic that defines their parents species (such as the Mi'Mana or darkvision).

Sometimes, these inherited characteristics mutate into improved versions or something completely different, and sometimes, these characteristics end up killing the hybrid before being born or halfway their life. For example, the Mi'Mana does not like skins that are not elven and this tends to kill the babies or give grave conditions to the surviving hybrids.


Depending on how different the parents' species are, a hybrid might be sterile or not. For a 1st gen hybrid (parents from different species) it is uncommon to be sterile; for other gen hybrids (hybrids which at least one of the parents is a hybrid) it is more common. If a hybrid has descendants with someone of their parents' species, it is more probable than their kid is going to be fertile; but if they have descendents with other species, the kid is more probable to be sterile.

Cultural view

Hybrids are not very well seen in society, and many opinions about them have born with the pass of time. Without taking in account pure love relationships, most of hybrids have been born out of the desire of power or because rape.

People with desire of being more powerful, when they realize they cannot physically become more powerful, they have child with species that would give them a more powerful descendent, sometimes with their lovers or partners, sometimes they arrange marriages, and sometimes with awful acts like rape. In other cases, when people are conquering territories, some soldiers may rape people and cause hybrids to be born.

Either way, even if the child is from a loving relationship, hybrids are not well seen in society, but as societies start to mix and the hybrids numbers grow, they are slowly starting to be well seen in societies.

They are also badly seen for being prone to being sterile, specially in old families, as the families (unless they have sibilings) are probably to die with them or their children. In some societies more than others, families are sacred and must be kept alive and thus, hybrids are a disgrace to them.


The hybrids are by definition a mix of their parents, but it is not always like that. Certain characteristics can only be on their corresponent species, and although there have been exceptions to it, they tend to be painful and affect the hybrid's life, such as the Mi'Mana which kill the babies before they are born or it will affect their skin all their life (and perhaps kill them in the process).

1st gen hybrids tend to be visually a mix of the parents. In this group tend to end the elves with visually shorter ears and no Mi'Mana, tall dwarves, dragons with more than one pair of wings, sirens with more than one set of gills, etc. They tend to be like you took features of both parents' species and mixed them together.

Other gen hybrids tend to be more similar to one of the parents rather than a mix of both, specially descendents of hybrids who had a child with one species they had inherited. As more diluted is the blood, the hybrid is more similar to a singular species, but might have a singular characteristic from another species, and the probability of being born sterile is higher.

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