The Island Nation of Tiss

Once upon a time, nestled in the heart of Central England, there existed a quaint town named Ravensbrook. Life in Ravensbrook was ordinary, with its picturesque cottages, friendly neighbors, and a bustling marketplace. However, fate had a different plan in store for the inhabitants of this peaceful town.  Many in the town knew the local legend of the Ravensbrook mines, and how it was often said that at the end of the deepwater darkest tunnel the mine led to another world. A young man who fancied himself a historian of sorts eventually traveled through the mines and through this portal. There he found a land of vast forest, tall mountains, and untouched seas. There he also found Asmodeus the lord of contracts and order. Asmodeus appointed this young man as his high priest for Ravensbrook and commanded him to bring the others from his town to this land. Which he did.   Much like Ravensbrook the land was very pleasant in the summer but the winter was very harsh, even more so than what they were used to. Strange peoples also inhabited these lands and there were even sightings of a large beast that could only be described as a Blue Dragon. Asmodeus approached the people of Ravensbrook and made a deal, they would become his people and would exert his will upon this world and he would protect them and give them gifts. They first built the central clock tower named after this first High Priest Tissan.  Years turned into decades, and the people of Ravensbrook, now calling themselves Tiss, flourished under the guidance of their Asmodeus. They brought prosperity and hope to their Island. They had made a deal with the Blue Dragon to feed her in exchange for the occasional sacrifice of slaves. They had started to expand out and explore the wider world and even trade with other cultures when they could.   Now the Tiss have a vast trading network, trading in weapons, slaves, spices, artifacts, and anything else that they can transport and sell. They do not crave land as much as they want financial control of lands. It is rumored that they even know the secrets of firearms, but, as far as anyone can tell this is only a rumor.  The Tiss have one large city on their island named Tiss, there are many smaller villages and estates surrounding this city but due to their cultures struggle with the first winter on the island everything stays nearby. In the Center of the city of Tiss stands a large clock tower. In this tower is where the ruling council and the high priest of Asmodeus live. All who remain loyal to the Tiss church and ruling council receive special abilities linked to this massive clock tower.   The Tengu also live on this island, but they are not seen as worthy enough to conquer or to use as trading partners so the Tiss leave them alone and buy the occasional farming goods from them.


The Isle of Tiss is much like that of the England on Earth. It has mild adaquet summers, and cold and wet winters with just a bit of snow.


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