Blak Market

Blak Markets are located in major cities around the world. As the name suggests, they are run by the Blak factions and although they are considered illegal, they generate significant revenues, so officials are bribed to turn a blind eye. In most cases, the Syndicates overview what is exported from and imported into the markets.
  The Blak factions collaborate with the Syndicates, but they have different agendas, providing goods to other factions, always at the right price. It is common knowledge that the Blak keep hidden stashes in their markets, where prohibited goods, even firearms, can be obtained, but no one has been able to uncover them, or make a member of the faction reveal their locations.  
  One can find virtually everything at a Blak Market, but the prices are exorbitant for the Dirt, so they can rarely afford to buy anything.


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