Luminaries Organization in Dimday Red | World Anvil


The Conglomerate’ bosses and their attendants make up the most privileged Caste. The Luminaries constitute The Eight Families ruling Paneuropa.
  They live in heavily guarded estates that function as the headquarters for their operations. The Caste is family-exclusive and even support personnel and servants have to be related by blood to each family. Marriage outside the family is forbidden, and so they have developed medicine to cope with the consequences of inbreeding.  
  The Luminaries have collected what remains of the world’s wealth and resources and use it to lead luxurious and overindulged lives. The higher-ranking members of the Families are profoundly influenced by 18th and 19th century aristocracy, not only in terms of garments but also as far as their conduct is concerned. They wear insignia indicating their Family and their status at all times.   They strive to maintain order and prevent the system from collapsing. Although in the shadows the Families conspire against each other for ultimate sovereignty and domination, officially they have to collaborate in order to maintain their status quo.   A person’s place in a Family hierarchy depends on how close their lineage is to their Family Head. Third and fourth degree relationships are restricted to assistant and service duties only.


Art by
Ciciolenko / Indonesia


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