Days of Fire

The Dimday Red Timeline.

  • Year Zero
    The Lapse
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Earth's orbit has been perturbed, causing the planet to slowly move closer and closer towards the sun.

  • 3 AL

    11 /5

    Political event

    The governments of the world make the first official, joined announcement about the Lapse.

  • 5 AL

    13 AL

    Daedalus Project

    A period of worldwide unrest, following the Dictum.

  • 13 AL

    3 /12

    The Icarus Event

  • 15 AL

    24 AL

    Decent Wars
    Population Migration / Travel

  • 15 AL

    23 /7

    First Recorded Mutation
    Plague / Epidemic

    The first recorded Marble Eyed baby is born in Norway.

  • 27 AL

    Founding of Neu Bonn

  • 38 AL

    Novus Ordo
    Political event

  • 38 AL

    Deceleration of Conglomerate Law
    Political event

  • 39 AL

    27 /3

    Assassination of Ingmar Diedrich
    Life, Death

  • 41 AL

    14 /8

    First Uprising

  • 41 AL

    5 /9

    Discovery of the Scroll of Truth
    Discovery, Exploration

  • 42 AL

    Construction of the Catharsis Wall
    Construction beginning/end

  • 42 AL

    Founding of Church of Ra
    Religious event

  • 57 AL

    Construction of the Pyramid of Radiance
    Construction beginning/end

  • 61 AL

    Founding of the Knights of Ayyadieh

  • 64 AL

    The Second Uprising

  • 67 AL

    Cillian is Born
    Life, Birth

  • 73 AL

    7 /12

    Meg is Born
    Life, Birth

  • 76 AL

    Norton Street Bloodbath
    Criminal Activity

  • 87 AL

    Invasion in Sahra
    Military action

  • 90 AL

    Events of the DDR Comic

  • 91 AL

    Events of Can of Worms Novel

  • 93 AL

    Present Day
    Celestial / Cosmic

  • 93 AL

    Events of the DDR Video Game

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