Blood Token

Extra effort sharpening a blade, being overly cautious about your buckles, or the blood and sweat put into making sure you stay alive with every piece of equipment you have. By themselves they matter on a minor scale, but when put together can be life saving in the right moment.


Item Type: DRMD Local Plot

Keywords: Blood

Skills Required to Use: N/A

Expiration: 3 Months

Item Details/Special Rules: N/A

Basic Mechanics: You may expend 5 Blood Tokens to use the Basic Mechanic ability of any Weapon, Armor, or Shield for 0 Mind, you may only use this ability once per 12s. You may expend 10 Blood Tokens to use the Proficient Mechanic ability of any Weapon, Armor, or Shield for 0 Mind, you may only use this ability once per 12s. You may expend 20 Blood Tokens to use the Master Mechanic ability of any Weapon, Armor, or Shield for 0 Mind, you may only use this ability once per 12s. This only reduces the Mind Cost to 0, any other costs are unaffected. You must record on your character sheet the expenditure and turn the expended Blood Tokens into either a Field Guide or Logistics.


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