Blue Loblolly Resin

Type: Local Named Scrap (Forage)

Found only in the deepest parts of The Refuge, Blue Loblolly Resin has become an almost prized material for its use in manufacturing products of the highest quality. Named for its appearance to the naked eye, a blue resin that excretes from loblolly trees, it was first discovered by the Timberland Company after a rather deep excursion into The Refuge. Blue Loblolly Resin, when processed, has been far more effective than the resins used everyday in manufacturing. Lighter, richer, and holding an incredibly strong and distinctive fragrance of pine, manufacturers have put the resin to all sorts of uses from shipbuilding to soap, and everything in between, with many people paying a premium for it. While the Timberland Company currently protects the secret of where in The Refuge Blue Loblolly Resin can be located, it hasn’t stopped independent scavengers from attempting to forage their own small fortunes, much to the dislike of the local Knock Knock Tribes and completely ignoring their warnings of the dangers that lurk in the deepest parts of that forest.



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